BORR_DLR ======== + Problem, but I fixed it - Problem, but I didn't fix it. Fix prior to review if possible. ? Might be a problem, or it might be me lacking context or understanding. > Internal problem, we can fix it after review !!! Show-stopper. No review unless it is fixed. catalog/ -------- + DATA_SET_NAME should not contain a line break. + DATA_OBJECT_TYPE is not MAP. It is the value of the first "OBJECT =" statement in the labels. PDS MAP objects are very scary beasts. + CITATION_DESC and ABSTRACT_DESC should preceed DATA_SET_DESC (this is aesthetics - everything should come before that giant block of text so you can immediately find them where you expect to see them). + Added a reference to the USGS data set in the overview text. + Changed formatting for niggling standards. - THere is no attribution for the DATA_SET_DESC text. - This sentence has serious grammatical problems: ... Knowledge of this structure can be used to shed light on the physical processes acting on the nucleus, as well as introducing the ability to separate the illumination effects, which vary with the position of the Sun and the observer, to be from the inherent optical properties of the materials comprising the nucleus. Specifically, "to be" is the problem. What was meant? - Under "Image Data and Data Processing", three specific image or file names are given, but no indication is made as to where these images might be available. If they're not, say so. At the least, give some context for the IDs ("identified internally as", or "referenced by the IDs but not otherwise identified", etc.). ? Under "Coordinate System": How can something be referenced to "the plane of the sky"? Isn't the sky three-dimensional, especially in the context of these images? + Contains EXACTLY the same errors I documented last time. + line 61: The plural of "antenna" (a mechanical device) is "antennas:. + Various other typos corrected. - There is no attribution for the descriptive text. + Minor format and typo corrections - There is no attribution for the descriptive text or the objectives summary + Reformatted + Corrected typos and grammar !!! I would bet money that some of this text is plagiarized. Where were you cutting-and-pasting from that used non-seven-bit ASCII and idiomatic grammar that sounds like your native language might be Hindi? Suspicious details: o This sentence: "MICAS represents a new class of sensors for NASA science missions and has broad applicability to a wide range of missions." is ad copy. Where did it come from? o What does "NMP" mean? o The subject and verb of the first sentence under "Technology Objects" do not appear to agree in number. o What does "SSG" mean? o What does "SWIR" mean? o What does "VISCCD" mean? o Why is only the last sentence in the second paragraph in past tense? Numerous grammatical errors and translation problems were corrected. document/ --------- docinfo.txt - This file is missing. 1micastvabs.lbl > We (SBN) don't combine differente versions of the same document in one file, because it's impossible to sort them out with a program. !!! Where was this first published? Do we have permission to republish? dlrsurf.lbl !!! Who created these plots? Do we have permission to publish them? extras/ ------- dlrdem.fits ? What is this? I need at least some description so I can include it in the review package. The EXTRAS directory on a volumd does require an info.txt file, I think. But why is this not included in the data set?