***** File FITSCOMP.TXT An Extension of FITS for Data Compression Archibald Warnock III Robert S. Hill and Barbara B. Pfarr ST Systems Corp. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 ABSTRACT An extension of the FITS format to allow for data compression is presented. This extension will allow a variety of algorithms to be utilized to reduce the storage requirements for images and ASCII data. Simple rules permit the complete reconstruction of the FITS header records for the original uncompressed file; yet the header for the compressed file is accessible to existing FITS file readers. An algorithm for the previous pixel compression scheme is presented as an example. INTRODUCTION The Large-Scale Phenomena Network of the International Halley Watch (IHW) has the task of digitizing wide-field photographic plates of Comet P/Halley. The physical size of the plates and the desire for high spatial resolution combine to result in extremely large digital images, often as large as 4096 lines by 4096 samples of 16-bit numbers (i.e., individual images may be as large as 32 megabytes). Typical production images are roughly 18 megabytes in size, and the LSPN expects to generate 1000 of them. The Near Nucleus Studies Network has a similar problem with CCD images, albeit on a smaller scale. The IHW Digital Archive could be expected to consist of perhaps 35 to 40 CD-ROM discs, most of them containing only images. By contrast, an archive containing only compressed images would have on the order of 20 discs, with a corresponding decrease in cost. It is essential that there be some portable data compression scheme to reduce the physical storage requirements of the imagery, and thereby reduce the mastering and production costs for a complete archive on CD-ROM. The expense and effort associated with distributing the complete archive on any alternative medium, such as magnetic tape, would be prohibitive. POSSIBLE COMPRESSION SCHEMES The IHW has restricted its consideration of compression schemes to those which preserve the full dynamic range of the data. Of these, we consider only the so-called "instantaneous" methods; that is, those methods in which the next output number is computed from the current input number and a small set of status variables. The advantage of instantaneous decompression schemes over others is that no scratch space is required to hold the uncompressed image, i.e., the decompression takes place "on the fly". A compressed image on FITS tape, with appropriate keywords, can be read in virtually the same way that uncompressed images are currently read, with the decompression being performed as the records are read and unpacked. This will prove to be most convenient for users of the IHW CD-ROM archive, given the large image sizes involved. The IHW believes that the previous-pixel (or first-differences) algorithm is the one giving the best compression ratio for the least computational effort and will adopt it for use on the CD-ROM archive discs. THE FITS HEADER FOR COMPRESSED DATA A compressed file may be considered as an extension to basic FITS in the following sense: the compressed data may be read simply as a byte stream. It is fully documented by an extension header written according to the FITS prescription. Thus, one retains the capability of examining the header of the compressed data with a FITS reader. The end result (after decompression) can be a standard FITS file, in the sense that the data is restored to its original uncompressed state, complete with a valid header. Two types of size information are required. The basic FITS keywords (BITPIX, NAXIS, NAXIS1 - NAXISn) must continue to define the attributes of the file in the form in which the user receives it. New FITS keywords then define the file as it is to be reconstructed. We propose that the keyword XTENSION take the value 'COMPRESS' if the data has been compressed, and that a series of keywords COMPRES1, COMPRES2, ..., COMPRESn give the names of the compression schemes used on the original data, in the order in which the compression was performed; i.e., the scheme given by COMPRES1 was the first compression done, that given by COMPRES2 was the second one done, and so forth. The number of axes in the original uncompressed data is given by the keyword LAXIS (for logical axis), and the corresponding dimensions are given by the keywords LAXIS1 through LAXISn. The keyword LBITPIX will define the precision of the uncompressed data, corresponding to BITPIX after decompression. The sample FITS header which follows illustrates the proposed compressed file extension. First record: SIMPLE = T / VALID FITS FORMAT BITPIX = 8 / BYTE DATA NAXIS = 0 / NO DATA RECORDS YET EXTEND = T / THERE MAY BE EXTENSION RECORDS END Extension record: XTENSION= 'COMPRESS' / THE DATA HAS BEEN COMPRESSED NAXIS = 1 / THE DATA IS JUST A BYTE STREAM NAXIS1 = 12345 / OF THIS MANY BYTES PCOUNT = 0 / NO PARAMETERS PRECEEDING THE DATA GCOUNT = 1 / ONLY ONE GROUP LAXIS = 2 / NUMBER OF AXES, UNCOMPRESSED IMAGE LAXIS1 = 512 / LOGICAL NAXIS1 LAXIS2 = 512 / LOGICAL NAXIS2 LBITPIX = 16 / LOGICAL BITS PER PIXEL COMPRES1= 'PREVPIXEL' / FIRST COMPRESSION SCHEME USED COMPRES2= 'HUFFMAN ' / SECOND COMPRESSION SCHEME USED END Any keywords which must accompany the uncompressed data may be put into the extension header, and should be copied to the output header when the file is decompressed. This scheme identifies the data as having been compressed (XTENSION= 'COMPRESS') and gives the compression scheme(s) used (COMPRES1= 'PREVPIXEL', COMPRES2= 'HUFFMAN') in the header, so any FITS reader can decide whether or not it knows how to handle the data. It defines the real length of the data file (NAXIS1=12345) so the data can be correctly skipped, if desired. It also preserves the dimensions of the original data file as "logical" attributes (LAXIS, LAXISn), so that a basic FITS file may be created once the byte stream is uncompressed. DISCUSSION One of the reasons for suggesting keywords whose values state the compression schemes used (rather than something like COMPRESS=T) is precisely because no single scheme is best under all circumstances. Our approach allows flexibility in selecting any appropriate (or even inappropriate) compression method and specifying it unambiguously, so long as the algorithm has been published and agreed upon. New compression schemes will be added to the recognized list in the same way that FITS extensions have been proposed and adopted in the past (Harten, et al. 1988). The IHW intends to inaugurate this procedure with the previous-pixel algorithm and will publish source code and pseudo-code for decompression both on the archive CD-ROM and in print. No one has utilized compression in astronomical production work yet, although it certainly must happen eventually. IHW is already performing the necessary prototyping for previous-pixel compression. For IHW, compressed images are an absolute necessity (or perhaps a necessary evil). It is also possible to interpret compression like blocking; i.e., as irrelevant to the logical structure of the data (Wells, private communication). Although this is philosophically true, we remain convinced of the need to identify and support the most useful practical options, as is already being done for coordinate systems. Agreement on a flexible set of keywords will allow new algorithms to be evaluated and added later, in full accordance with any current agreement. While it is possible to write code which analyzes a given input image and selects the best compression scheme (similar to the archiving programs in the personal computer world) and thus use a syntax like "COMPRESS=T", it is impossible to anticipate all schemes which may be desirable in the future. One alternative to the current proposal would be to use a standalone program to compress both header and data. This would render the header records unreadable to existing FITS software until after decompression. It would be wasteful of both time (for decompression) and disc space (for scratch storage) and, we believe, contrary to the basic FITS philosophy of allowing examination of the header before deciding what to do with the data. However, nothing in this proposal precludes the use of a separate decompressor. It is certainly possible to skip over the header to reach the data and decompress the image data separately, then concatenate a revised header and uncompressed image, although the result would not be a valid FITS format. Note also that nothing in this proposal restricts compression to images. The scheme specified here would work equally well with ASCII data. At present, its use on tables is precluded by the inability to nest FITS extensions under the standard. Not only is our approach independent of the storage medium, but also, it avoids reliance on coded filename extensions and the like. Nevertheless, data analysis packages can easily recognize compressed data and either process or skip, according to their capabilities. Data compression has proven its value in many areas - PC-based telecommunications and file transfer, transmission of spacecraft data, etc. It is only a matter of time until astronomers appreciate how attractive it can be for images in general (consider the prospect of 2048 by 2048 CCD chips with three bytes per pixel). Now is a good time to decide how to incorporate compression into the general data interchange standards so that we can avoid revisions in the future. BIBLIOGRAPHY Harten, R. H., Grosbol, R., Greisen, E. W., and Wells, D. C., 1988, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 73, 365. APPENDIX The algorithm for the previous-pixel compression scheme to be used by the International Halley Watch is given here in pseudocode. It is based on the observation that, for many images of 16-bit data, the pixel-to-pixel differences may often be coded within the dynamic range available in 8 bits, yielding a substantial savings in file size from a small computational investment. All differences that lie in the range [-127,127] can be coded in a single byte. Each difference has the bias value 127 added to it in order to avoid problems on machines which require unsigned byte data. This yields the range [0,254] in the actual data stream. The value 255 is reserved as a flag to indicate that the difference between the two current pixels is too large to be stored in 8 bits. In this case, the two bytes that follow the flag byte are to be interpreted as a new 16-bit pixel value, which then provides a new zero-point for the differences. No allowances are made for ends of lines, that is, the successive differences are allowed to cross from the right-hand edge of the image to the next line at the left hand edge. For images with smooth backgrounds, this will often result in another 8-bit difference, and so save a few more bytes. Note that the number of samples in a line is given by the keyword LAXIS2, so that the compressed image need not flag the start of a new line. PREVIOUS PIXEL ALGORITHM WITH DIFFERENCE FLAG AS SEPARATE BYTE COMPRESSION: Load 255 into output record READ first record Set first value to be PREVPIXEL Load first value into output record DO UNTIL no more data on input IF input buffer is empty THEN read next record Compute difference between CURRENTPIXEL and PREVPIXEL IF this difference is within -127:127 THEN Add bias of 127 to the difference Convert the biased difference to a single byte Load value of difference byte into output record IF output record full, WRITE out record ELSE IF the difference is outside -127:127 THEN Load flag byte (255) into output record IF output record full, WRITE out record Load high byte of CURRENTPIXEL into output record IF output record full, WRITE out record Load low byte of CURRENTPIXEL into output record IF output record full, WRITE out record ENDIF Set PREVPIXEL equal to CURRENTPIXEL ENDDO IF partially filled output buffer remains THEN Blank to the end of the buffer WRITE out final (partial) record ENDIF DECOMPRESSION: READ first record Verify that first byte is 255 Set first value to be PREVPIXEL Load first value into output record DO UNTIL no more data on input IF input buffer is empty THEN read next record Get CURRENTBYTE from input buffer IF CURRENTBYTE is not equal to 255 (is a difference) THEN NEWPIXEL = PREVPIXEL + CURRENTBYTE - 127 Load NEWPIXEL into output record IF output record full, WRITE out record ELSE IF CURRENTBYTE = 255 THEN IF input buffer has < 2 bytes left THEN read next record Set NEWPIXEL to the next 2 bytes in the input buffer Load NEWPIXEL into output record IF output record full, WRITE out record ENDIF Set PREVPIXEL equal to NEWPIXEL ENDDO IF partially filled output buffer remains THEN Blank to the end of the buffer WRITE out final (partial) record ENDIF