***** File MEMORIAL.TXT This final volume of L-SP imagery is dedicated in memoriam to a colleague, Margaret Perkins, who died tragically during the midpoint of assembling the compressed image CD-ROMs. "Meg" had chosen to work as a 1990 NASA summer student to fulfill part of her dream to work on space missions. She was in the final year of her undergraduate work at Rice University, where she had a double major in Russian and Space Physics. Meg was assigned to work on the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT). This instrument had been scheduled to fly on board Space Shuttle as part of the Astro payload in the April-May 1990 timeframe. When the UIT mission was delayed, she assisted the L-SP Discipline Specialist Team in handling the many logistical items associated with assembling the eighteen compressed image discs. Meg's enthusiasm and warmth during her three short weeks with us will long be remembered, as will her important contribution to the archive. She helped in streamlining our log-in procedures, in calculating various parameters for the descriptive files on each disc, and in bringing some order to the large quantity of tapes needed to store the data. Her murder during this summer of 1990 has shocked all of us, and has served as a damning indictment of the society in which we live. Meg Perkins was a bright young person embarking on a career in science which held great promise, and those of us at NASA/GSFC she left behind feel cheated in not having the opportunity to know her better or seeing her grow. In part, this volume is a culmination of her brief efforts, and we hope that its use will inspire in others the kind of dreams and the pursuit of excellence which were so characteristic of our friend Meg. Edwin J. Grayzeck, Jr. Malcolm B. Niedner, Jr. July, 1990