Magdalena Ridge Calibrated Data Collection Overview Data Abstract ============= We obtained images of the (65803) Didymos system and supporting calibration images with the MRO2K CCD on the MRO 2.4m Telescope at the Magdalena Ridge Observatory (MRO). These images were taken in order to determine the orbit period of Dimorphos, the satellite of Didymos. This collection consists of the Magdalena Ridge calibrated images, which include calibrated sky frames that have been bias subtracted, dark subtracted, and flat field corrected, as well as median combined stacks of bias, dark, and flat field images used to create master calibration frames. Data Set Overview ================= Raw image data (see data_mroraw collection) are calibrated in three steps: (1) a median combined master bias frame is subtracted from each sky image, (2) the exposure-scaled dark frame is then subtracted, and (3) a median combined, normalized flat field is divided into each sky frame. The IRAF ccdproc package is used to perform these tasks. Naming Convention ================= Calibrated images consist of a single fits file containing the calibrated image and an associated XML file. Sky images are named according to the same naming convention as Raw images, using 'fm' as the product type. See below. .. where: is the product type; "m" for raw data, "fm" for processed (calibrated) data is the year, month, day of the observing session in UT is a four-digit image counter for observing session starting at 0001, reset for each night of observation is the file extension. ".fits" for FITS file format, ".xml" for the PDS4 XML label Ex. fm210413.0036.fits is the processed image product for a 2021-04-13 observing session. It is the 36th image generated on that UT date. Master calibration frames follow a different naming convention: bias_. dark_. flat__. where: is the year, month, day of the observing session in UT refers to the broadband filter in which the observations were obtained and can be "r", "v", or "vr" is the file extension. ".fits" for FITS file format, ".xml" for the PDS4 XML label