PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM PRODUCT_ID = "ERRATA.TXT" DATA_SET_ID = "RO-A-OSINAC-3-AST1-STEINSFLYBY-V1.4" OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "ERRATA file for RO-A-OSINAC-3-AST1-STEINSFLYBY-V1.4" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-04-13 END_OBJECT = TEXT END Errata for dataset: RO-A-OSINAC-3-AST1-STEINSFLYBY-V1.4 DATA_QUALITY_ID is currently always N/A. Please use the QUALITY_MAP_IMAGE object defined for CODMAC level 3 and higher for data quality information. The IMAGE sub fields FIRST_LINE and FIRST_LINE_SAMPLE can contain negative values. This is in violation of the PDS archive conventions. Negative value are used to identify pixels not coming from the physical CCD but from various diagnostic readout segments. The keywords LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION and SAMPLE_DISPLAY DIRECTION are, for now, outside the image object. Values are DOWN and RIGHT for OSIWAC and DOWN and LEFT for OSINAC. This means that any software that looks for the keywords inside the image object (where they belong) will display the images from NAC as mirror images of the sky. The keywords will be moved in the next delivery. The software in the SOFTWARE directory is not supported by PDS/PSA. They are routines in IDL compressed into two zip files: - one for the PDS library - one for the Osiris calibration pipeline. You can find more information in the SOFTINFO.TXT. In the data labels, the values of NORTH_AZIMUTH is incorrect. A new version of the data set will be soon available and the NORTH_AZIMUTH keyword will be replaced by NORTH_CELESTIAL_CLOCK_ANGLE, with correct values.