PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2015-04-14, SBN:T.Barnes initial creation" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-04-14 NOTE = "Volume information" END_OBJECT = TEXT END This volume is a saved data archive of the Balloon Rapid Response for Comet ISON (BRRISON) mission. Data Set Overview ================= This dataset includes the Experimental Data Record (EDR) version of all available images acquired by the BIRC starting from the second altitude chamber test (ground calibration) through BRRISON flight until the termination of flight activities of the BIRC. The images in this dataset have not been processed in any way other than by decompressing, extracting header information, and generating and attaching PDS labels. This dataset also includes ancillary data files such as telescope pointing and housekeeping information. Images ======= The BIRC images are split into three categories under the root DATA directory. This was done because the BIRC flight software (FSW) was undergoing modification at different stages between ground calibration and flight. The image files all follow the same naming convention. Image file names follow the structure: YYMMDD_HHMMSS_NNN_F_XXX.FIT YYMMDD_HHMMSS are the two digit year, month, day, hour minute second while NNN is the three digit millisecond. This time corresponds to the timetag assigned to the source file by the BIRC FSW. F is the filter number used XXX is the exposure or image ID. A given observation may consist of several images, each tagged with an incrementing count of image ID, starting with ID=000. Images are taken in pairs, first with a “bias” image at 3.58msec integration time followed by a “signal” image at the commanded integration time. Even numbered images (starting at 000) are bias images, odd numbered images are the signal images. One can then do a bias subtraction by subtracting the bias image from the signal image. The three image folders and their descriptions follow: GROUNDCAL - contains the images acquired during ground calibration of the BIRC prior to integration with the gondola. Data are organized in YYYYMMDD folders below which are HH and MM folders, respectively. YYYYMMDD are the four digit year, 2 digit month, 2 digit day of month. HH and MM are the hour and minute. The date and times of the folders correspond to the date and time in the EDR filename. QUICKLOOK - contains the images acquired during multiple hang tests at Fort Sumner whereby the gondola was suspended from an overhead crane while the telescope pointed out of the hanger at various sky targets. The data are organized similarly to GROUNDCAL except for the addition of a final subfolder after MM. The subfolder naming convention is "" where is a designation of the intended target. is a single character denoting whether the image was taken via manual commanding "C" or as part of an automated operation sequence "O". For example, in the path /20130922/10/07/GEMINI1C/, GEMINI1 is the designation of the intended target and C denotes that the images in the subfolder were taken via manual command. Quicklook denotes that the data were downloaded via a "quicklook" process whereby the image download takes precedence over all other telemetry. SCIENCE - contains images acquired during the last day of the hang test at Fort Sumner and during the BRRISON flight. The data are organized in the same manner as those for quicklook in that the final subfolder denotes the target and whether the images were taken via manual command or automated operation. The SCIENCE designation also indicates that the data were downloaded via a "science down" process whereby the data were queued as part of normal telemetry downlink. Housekeeping ============ Housekeeping and engineering data are extracted from the raw data files created by the BIRC FSW and converted into EDRs which are contained in the HOUSEKEEPING folder under the root DATA folder. Note that there is no housekeeping data associated with the GROUNDCAL images since those were taken prior to the integration of the BIRC with the gondola. Subfolders are organized by YYYYMMDD followed by HH then "", where YYYYMMDD and HH are the year month day and hour and the final subfolder is as described previously in the image QUICKLOOK and SCIENCE folders. Housekeeping file names follow the structure: YYMMDD_HHMMS_NNN_HK.TAB YYMMDD_HHMMSS are the two digit year, month, day, hour minute second; NNN is the three digit millisecond. This time corresponds to the timetag of the first record in the housekeeping file. HK denotes that this is a Housekeeping EDR. There is also a single EDR at the same level as the YYYYMMDD folders, with a filename of "BRRISON_PENTHOUSE_TEMP.TAB". This single EDR contains the penthouse temperature data reported by the Gondola software. This data is not passed on to the BIRC FSW and therefore is not contained within the other housekeeping EDRs. Pointing ======== Pointing and location data are extracted from the raw data files created by the BIRC FSW and converted into EDRs which are contained in the POINTING folder under the root DATA folder. Note that there is no pointing data associated with the GROUNDCAL images since those were taken prior to the integration of the BIRC with the gondola. Subfolders have the same organization as described for the Housekeeping EDRs. Pointing file names follow the structure: YYMMDD_HHMMS_NNN_P.TAB YYMMDD_HHMMSS are the two digit year, month, day, hour minute second while NNN is the three digit millisecond. This time corresponds to the timetag of the first record in the housekeeping file. P denotes that this is a Pointing EDR.