PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-06-18 NOTE = " This file describes the contents of the CATALOG directory " END_OBJECT = TEXT END The catalog files have been edited to conform to PDS3 archiving requirements. The untouched original forms of the catalog files have been preserved in the originals/ directory. This directory contains the complete set of original and modified catalog files for all CONTOUR data sets saved in the PDS archives. -A. Raugh, 2011-05-04 A dataset catalog file has been added for the documentation data set. -A. Raugh, 2013-06-18 ***** File CATINFO.TXT *INST.CAT Instrument descriptions for: CFIINST.CAT CONTOUR Forward Imager (CFI) CIDAINST.CAT CONTOUR Dust Analyzer (CIDA) CRI_INST.CAT CRISP - Imager (CRISPIMAG) CRS_INST.CAT CRISP - Spectrometer (CRISPSPEC) NGIMINST.CAT Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) TLM_INST.CAT CONTOUR Telemetry *_DS.CAT Data set descriptions for: CFI_DS.CAT CONTOUR Forward Imager (CFI) CRI_DS.CAT CONTOUR Remote Imaging Spectrograph - Images (CRISPIMAG) CRS_DS.CAT CONTOUR Remote Imaging Spectrograph - Spectra (CRISPSPEC) TLM_DS.CAT CONTOUR Telemetry (TLM) CONMSN.CAT CONTOUR MISSION CONHOST.CAT CONTOUR SPACECRAFT-BASED EXPERIMENTS DATASET.CAT Description for the documentation data set DSCOLL.CAT CONTOUR Dataset Collection REF.CAT Complete list of references ORIGINALS/ Directory containing a snapshot of the original contents of this catalog/ directory