PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2007-12-19: SBN: Feaga Updated to match lien resolved data set documentation and changed RECORD_TYPE = STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-03-29 /* Label Generated */ NOTE = "Description of the contents of the document directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END "document" Directory Contents The document directory contains documentation files, where available, for the data set in this volume. All document files will have an accompanying label file to describe content and structure. Label files have the same name as the main document file, with an extension of ".lbl". docinfo.txt - The file you are reading. ads.txt - The file sent to Abstract Data Service (ADS). ads.lbl - The label for ads.txt. dimanual.asc - "Imaging Guide", A direct imaging guide for the San Pedro Martir observatories in ASCII text. dimanual.pdf - "Imaging Guide", A direct imaging guide for the San Pedro Martir observatories as a PDF file. dimanual.lbl - The label file for the document "Imaging Guide" described above. man84_150.pdf - "Telescope Manual", A telescope manual for the 1.5 m telescope at San Pedro Martir. man84_150.lbl - The label file for the document "Telescope Manual" described above. nights1and2_logs.pdf - Observing log sheets from San Pedro Martir for the observations acquired on July 2-3, 2005 UT. nights1and2_logs.lbl - The label file for the observing log document described above. nights3and4_logs.pdf - Observing log sheets from San Pedro Martir for the observations acquired on July 4-5, 2005 UT. nights3and4_logs.lbl - The label file for the observing log document described above. oan_magnitudes.tab - A table containing the calibrated visual photometry (BVRI) of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from July 4-5, 2005 UT. oan_magnitudes.lbl - The label file for the table of magnitudes described above. oan_photometry.jpg - A JPEG of the optical photometry plot, in the R band, of Tempel 1 acquired on July 4, 2005 UT. oan_photometry.lbl - The label file for the photometry plot described above. observinglog.asc - This text file includes the condensed observing log for all 4 of the nights of observation. observinglog.lbl - The label file for the observing log document described above. reductionnotes.asc - "Reduction Notes", Included are the notes on the basic data reduction technique used to create the CALIBRATION images and the reduced data. reductionnotes.lbl - The label file for the document "Reduction Notes" described above.