Reduction Notes from SPM observing run of 9P/Tempel 1 July 2-5 UT, San Pedro Martir. Kevin Walsh All data reduction from different nights were done in a consistent manner. The BIAS frames from the entire night were median-combined to form a single Zero.fits image. Similarly the flat images were also combined for each filter, BVRI, to form a nightly flat in each filter flat_?.fits. The raw flats had the mean value of the bias strip subtracted, and then the Zero.fits image subtracted before they were median-combined and normalized to 1.0. From this point each raw object image was processed. The mean value of the each raw image bias strip was subtracted, followed by the subtraction of the Zero.fits image. The flat image for the cooresponding filter was then divided out. All image reduction was done in the IRAF package. In the images, North is left and East is up. The overscan was not trimmed in the reduced files. Very few bad columns exist in the data, but those that persist throughout the data set are columns 531, 547, and 980.