DISA_LO72 ========= + Problem, but I fixed it - Problem that should be fixed ASAP (before review) > Internal problem that can wait until after review ? Maybe a problem, but maybe I'm missing something !!! Show stopper. No review unless it's fixed. aareadme.txt + NOTE ends in a period but is not a sentence. + The stuff about ISO formatting cannot possibly be true. At the least, this would be on several CDs, and PDS does not accept the full level 2 standard. When this is written on a disk, it will likely be written to a DVD, which has a difference standard number. + This BETTER NOT conform to the data dictionary mentioned here. It better conform with the latest release, whatever that is when we finally deliver this stuff. Best not mentioned. + Since there is no other version of the AAREADME.TXT file, and this is that version, the file description is desceptive. + The DOCUMENT/OBSLOGS cannot contain photocopies - photocopies are on paper. ? Are these really "R" images (as opposed to "VR" or "IR")? calib/ ------ *.lbl - The UNIT must be specified for these images, or there must be a DESCRIPTION which explains why a real-valued pixel does not have a unit. > The PRODUCT_NAME is long and deceptive. The part that is likely to be displayed in a user interface implies this is a comet image. The part that says it's not is last and cryptic. biascorr.lbl + Everything that's in the NOTE field should be in a DESCRIPTION field, and probably under the TABLE object. + File paths in index files or data files should NEVER, EVER, EVER begin with a "/"!!!! + The first column says it is only a file name. In fact, it is a file specification (i.e., it includes path information). This must be calinfo.txt + Corrected typos catalog/ -------- + I move the target catalog objects into a subdirectory to reduce congestion. - There are no catalog files supplied for the targets "DARK" and "SKY". calfieldtarg.cat > You cannot use the completely generic name "CALIBRATION FIELD" for a specific type of calibration field (like a Landolt field). If you want the type of calibration field to be known, call it "LANDOLT FIELD". If not, use the existing "CALIMG". calinfo.txt ? Why is the M 1 target identified as a "field"? ic433targ.cat + Fixed typo personnel.cat ? Do we have permission to publish this personal information? reference.cat + Renamed to 'disa_lo72_ref.cat' - LANDOLT1992 does not exactly match the current reference with that ID. In fact, this doesn't match the ADS listing either. tmpl1lo72ds.cat + Renamed to 'disa_lo72.cat' + Sadly, CN has flip-flopped: There must be separate DATA_SET_TARGET objects for each and every flippin' target. + Similarly for DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION + Do not include "N/A" in a target list. visccdinst.cat > This should be separate instrument catalog files, one for each instrument. Clearly we know enough to distinguish them, and the difference is important. Moreover, the specific instrument is identified in the data files. Even worse, it then makes the "VISCCD" generic identifier unavailable for use for a truly generic instrument when needed. It can go to review like this, but it cannot be archived like this. > Nice data set description! Put a credit at the bottom, after the "Media/Format" section. (Something like "This description prepared by..." and a date.) data/raw -------- *.lbl ? Should there be some indication of which direction is North? - Possible problem: You've got LINES and LINE_SAMPLES reversed. In a 2D FITS image, NAXIS1 is the number of rows, NAXIS2 is the number of columns. So LINES = NAXIS1, LINE_SAMPLES = NAXIS2. BUT - the people who made the FITS label have described NAXIS1 as "X", implying they inverted their data. Without comparing to known star fields, it is not possible to tell which discription is correct, if any. - "MSB_INTEGER" is not specific enough. It should be "MSB_SIGNED_INTEGER". - Major problem: The MAXIMUM, MINIMUM and OFFSET value don't jive. The maximum possible value of an MSB_SIGNED_INTEGER is 32768, and if the minimum value is positive, there should be no need for a positive offset. data/reduced ------------ *.lbl >>> All of the above for raw data, plus: - Must have a unit or an explanation of why there isn't one. - Because of the max/min problem in the raw data, I don't trust these values. What are they? data/results ------------ *.lbl - These column DESCRIPTIONs contain phrases that end in periods. Ther need to be edited. index ----- index.lbl + Fixed typos ? What is the point of the NOTE in the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME column? This is just the definition of PRODUCT_TIME - so what's the problem? There's no NOTE in any other column. imageidx.lbl + Cannot use INDEX_TABLE objects in files other than INDEX.LBL. - In the data file, some paths are relative, others are absolute. All MUST be relative. ? Why a separate file?