PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-01-23 NOTE = "Description of the contents of the document directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END "document" Directory Contents The document directory contains documentation files, where available, for the data set in this volume. All document files will have an accompanying label file to describe content and structure. Label files have the same name as the main document file, with an extension of ".lbl". docinfo.txt - The file you are reading. ads.txt - The file sent to Abstract Data Service (ADS). ads.lbl - The label for ads.txt. comet_pos.txt - "Comet Positions", To avoid bad pixels and build up enough blank background (for the background subtraction) without losing time off source, the comet is dithered around the field. Due to slightly different optical alignments in each filter, the comet does not fall on the same pixels in J, H, and K. Thus a table is provided to locate the comet in each image. This table gives X,Y positions of the comet in each image. Images without the comet are omitted (ie. sky or standard star). See obs_log.txt for a list of all images included in this archive. comet_pos.lbl - The label file for the document "Comet Positions" described above. kpno_magnitudes.tab - This table contains calibrated near-IR (JHK) photometry of comet 9P/Tempel 1 from July 2-9, 2005 UT as acquired at KPNO. Observations were made simultaneously in J (1.1-1.402 microns), H (1.535-1.809 microns), and K (1.95-2.30 microns). kpno_magnitudes.lbl - The label file for the table "kpno_magnitudes.tab" described above. kpno_photometry.pdf - PDF version of the IR photometry plot, in H, J, and K bands, of Tempel 1 acquired on July 2-9, 2005 UT from KPNO. This time range includes the time of impact of the Deep Impact impactor spacecraft with the comet nucleus. kpno_photometry.png - PNG version of the IR photometry plot, in H, J, and K bands, of Tempel 1 acquired on July 2-9, 2005 UT from KPNO. This time range includes the time of impact of the Deep Impact impactor spacecraft with the comet nucleus. kpno_photometry.lbl - The label file for the plots "kpno_photometry.*" described above. obs_log.txt - "Observing Log", This file describes the images that make up the raw and reduced datasets from the KPNO 2.1-m telescope acquired on UT 2-9 July 2005. The instrument was SQIID. J, H, and K band images were obtained simultaneously for each frame number. Two targets were observed: the comet Tempel 1, and the Persson et al. (1998) [PERSSONETAL1998] standard star field S791-C (RA = 13h17m29.6s, Dec = -05d32m37s). Resulting photometric data were published by Knight et al. in Icarus in 2007 [KNIGHTETAL2007]. obs_log.lbl - The label file for the document "Observing Log" described above. sqiidmanual.htm - "SQIID User's Manual", HTML version of the SQIID User's manual reproduce with permission of KPNO staff from: http://www.noao.edu/kpno/sqiid/sqiidmanualdoc.html sqiidmanual.pdf - "SQIID User's Manual", PDF version of the SQIID User's manual reproduce with permission of KPNO staff from: http://www.noao.edu/kpno/sqiid/sqiidmanualdoc.pdf sqiidmanual.lbl - The label file for the document "SQIID User's Manual" described above. sqiidsuppl.htm - "SQIID User's Manual Supplement", HTML version of the SQIID user's manual supplement. Reproduced with permission of the KPNO staff from: http://www.noao.edu/kpno/sqiid/sqiidsuppl.html sqiidsuppl.pdf - "SQIID User's Manual Supplement", PDF version of the SQIID user's manual supplement. Reproduced with permission of the KPNO staff from: http://www.noao.edu/kpno/sqiid/sqiidsuppl.pdf sqiidsuppl.lbl - The label file for the document "SQIID User's Manual Supplement" described above. upsqiidpkg.txt - "UPSQIID Reduction Manual", ASCII text version of the IRAF UPSQIID data reduction package. Reproduced with permission of the KPNO staff from: http://www.noao.edu/kpno/sqiid/upsqiidpkg.html upsqiidpkg.lbl - The label file for the document "UPSQIID Reduction Manual" described above. upsqiid_software/ - "IRAF UPSQIID package", containing the IRAF UPSQIID package for reducing SQIID data. Reproduced with permission of the KPNO staff from: http://www.noao.edu/kpno/sqiid/upsqiid.tar upsqiid_software/aaupsqiid.lbl - The label file for the IRAF UPSQIID programs.