DISA_0001 (aka DISA_IRASIM) ========= > = comments by SAM > N.B. DISA_0001 is the ID used for the review. The VOLUME_ID for the archive is DISA_0003. For other DI volume ids, see http://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/internal/doc/DI_stuff/di_volume_ids.html Need a graphic to illustrate the IRAS native coordinate system: solar elongation and observation inclination. > Done. Inserted a graphic in the explanatory supplement for the survey scans. Clarify text on the number of iterations used in procedures associated with survey scans and additional observations. > Done Documentation on "Additional Observations" (AO) image photometry needs to make clear the effective resolution of the re-processed images. What is the relationship between the pixels in the reprocessed image and the real resolution of that image? > Walker was suggested that the effective beam (resolution) files be included in the archive as individual data files to help resolve this issue. Lisse and Skyes agreed. Effective resolution files were added as ASCII tables in data/ao/effres for the final iteration of each observation. Per Skyes, the beam files "tell you how the effective spatial resolution varies over each image by providing the dimensions of a rectangular Gaussian profule of a resolution element at different locations in the image." When Walker reprocessed the images, he set the pixel size to 15 arcseconds, which was the best value for these data. The reprocessing software then generated effective beam (resolution) data for selected pixels across the array. Lisse noted this issue does not affect his photometry but effective resolution should be considered when morphology is studied. This suggestion was included in the AO Explanatory Supplement. To help clarify this issue in the AO documentation, the effective resolution tables are now described in the AO document and one of the tables is included as an example.