----------- DITEMP_MAPS ----------- Symbol Key x = Resolved lien + = Comment x Update Olivier Groussin's contact info. x dataset.cat: x Note that the context image is not deconvolved, or preferably add the deconvolved image; - Explain how "slit length" is related to spatial resolution and why it changes; + There is not correlation between the "slit length" and the resolution. Slit length only refers to the number of rows that are read out from the fully-exposed IR FPA. As the s/c moves closer to the target, the spatial resoution inherently improves. Added note about this to dataset.cat. x Note that "North/South" is celestial; + Per Lori Feaga, the scans of the nucles we're concerned about run from **ecliptic** north to south. x If possible, add a note about which thermal model was used in the processing; + Per Olivier, only a model of the scattered light and the thermal emission was used to derive the temperature maps. A thermal model was not used. However, an enhanced version of the STM was used later for analysis of the temperature maps. Added note about this to dataset.cat. x Explain the relationship between spatial resolution and slit width. + For the IR spectrometer, the slit width is fixed and never changes. It is always 10 microradians. The other parameter that affects the spatial resolution is the distance of the s/c from the target. Added note about this to dataset.cat. x catalog/: Contains verification junk files x reference.cat: AHEARNETAL2005B is listed twice with identical content. x Update references currently listed as "Submitted". x If possible, generate a file with temperature for each facet of the shape model in T1_SHAPE; and/or provide maps of incidence and reflectance angles and surface area for each pixel. + Jianyan Li provided the additional data products in April 2007. x In data labels, the NOTE text describing the number of contributing frames does not agree with the same information elsewhere in the label, or is not given consistently. x dataset.html: Third data file link name is incorrect. x Please trim ragged edges on images (edges don't actually contain data). + Jianyan Li provided the revised data products in April 2007. x Check STOP_TIME in image 39 (it is currently the same as START_TIME). ----------------------------- Details about Lien Resolution ----------------------------- 2007-06-20, DI:S.McLaughlin aareadme.txt x Changed Olivier's mailing address from UMD to Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille. x Added Jianyang Li as a data provider because he enhanced the existing data products. voldesc.cat x Changed Olivier's mailing address from UMD to Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille. x Added Jianyang Li as a data provider because he enhanced the existing data products. person.cat x Changed Olivier's mailing address from UMD to Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille. x Added Jianyang Li as a data provider because he enhanced the existing data products. dataset.cat x Added Jianyang Li as a data provider because he enhanced the existing data products. x Added J.Y.-Li to the author list in CITATION_DESC. reference.cat x Removed duplicate reference for AHEARNETAL2005B. document/hriv_9000909_001_context.png x Replaced this fuzzy image (not deconvolved) with a deconvolved version. Groussin, et al. (2007) presented the deconvolved image. Adjusted the description in the label. Added arrows to indicate directions to the Sun, celestial North, and celestial East as well as the projected positive spin axis of the nucleus. data/ x Want shape model with temperatures on each facet. There are at least two possible solutions: 1) Assign a temperature to each facet in the shape model. 2) Calculate theta*sin(indicence angle) for each pixel in a thermal map coverage area (total surface area), provide the solar zenith angle for each pixel, provide the spacecraft zenith angle for each pixel, calculate the angle of incidence of the solar flux (i.e., the incidence angle) for each pixel, and calculate the emission angle (reflectance) for each pixel. + Made data labels for the new products (mu0 and mu maps for the original thermal maps, hi-res composite thermal map with mu0 and mu maps, and thermal plate model). x Trim the non-nucleus strips at the edge(s) of the FITS files because pixel values are zero and are not meaningful. + J. Li set the reference strips at the edge(s) to zero. x Check and if needed modify labels for the following revised FITS files: map_9000031.lbl map_9000036.lbl map_9000039.lbl x Make labels for the following new data files provide by J.-Y. Li: map_9000031_mu0.lbl map_9000031_mu.lbl map_9000036_mu0.lbl map_9000036_mu.lbl map_9000039_mu0.lbl map_9000039_mu.lbl vplate_temp.lbl thermal_composite.lbl thermal_composite_mu0.lbl thermal_composite_mu.lbl index.lbl/tab x Add STOP_TIME since it is in the PDS labels. + Added STOP_TIME. --------------------------------- Other changes made (not liens) --------------------------------- catalog/ x Copy latest version of deep_impact.cat, dif.cat, hrii.cat, and reference.cat. dataset.html x Update. aareadme.txt x Added pds_version_id, corrected record_type to fixed_length, and added record_bytes. voldesc.cat x Added record_type of stream. catinfo.txt x Changed record_type to fixed_length and added record_bytes. dataset.cat x Added record_type of stream. x Tweaked values in the the table of image parameters. docinfo.txt x Changed record_type to fixed_length and added record_bytes. indxinfo.txt x Changed record_type to fixed_length and added record_bytes. data/*lbl x Tweaked values in the table of image parameters in NOTE. data/map000039.lbl x Corrected value for STOP_TIME. It was the same as START_TIME.