PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "AAREADME file for the Deep Impact infrared temperature maps of the nucleus of comet 9P/Tempel" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2006-11-01 END_OBJECT = TEXT END Introduction ============ This volume contains two-dimensional infrared thermal maps of the surface of comet 9P/Tempel 1. The maps were derived from three spatially resolved scans of the nucleus acquired by the Deep Impact High Resolution Infrared Spectrometer (HRII) about 19, 12, and 5 minutes before the impact on 4 July 2005. A high-resolution, 120-m/pixel, thermal composite map is also included. Surface temperatures were derived from 1.0- to 4.0-micron data and ranged from 272K to 336K +/- 7K. This data set also includes the incidence and emission angle maps (mu0 and mu) associated with each thermal map and a table of temperatures assigned to plates in the Tempel 1 shape model that were illuminated and visible near the time of impact. Volume Format ============= This volume has been formatted according to the ISO-9660 level 2 Interchange Standard for directories and file names. File Formats ============ All text documents and other meta information files such as descriptions, PDS object definitions, and detached PDS labels are stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of the record. This allows the files to be read by various operating systems. Volume Contents =============== Files on this volume are organized into a set of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the structure and content of these directories. In the table, directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]). See the *INFO.TXT files in some directories for specific information on the files in that directory. [TOP-LEVEL-DIRECTORY] | |-- AAREADME.TXT This file | |-- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of this volume | |--[CATALOG] Directory containing PDS catalog objects | | | |-- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory | |-- DATASET.CAT Description of this data set | |-- HRII.CAT Description of the HRII instrument | |-- DIF.CAT Description of the flyby spacecraft | |-- DEEP_IMPACT.CAT Description of the Deep Impact mission | |-- PERSONNEL.CAT Description of personnel who created this volume | |-- REFERENCE.CAT List of publications mentioned in catalog files | +-- 9P_TEMPEL_1_1867_G1.CAT Description of mission target, 9P/Tempel 1 | |--[DATA] Directory containing the Tempel 1 temperature maps | | | |-- MAP_9000031.FIT Temp map derived from HRII exposure ID 9000031 | |-- MAP_9000031_MU0.FIT Associated mu0=cos(incidence angle) map | |-- MAP_9000031_MU.FIT Associated mu=cos(emission angle) map | | | |-- MAP_9000036.FIT Temp map derived from HRII exposure ID 9000036 | |-- MAP_9000036_MU0.FIT Associated mu0=cos(incidence angle) map | |-- MAP_9000036_MU.FIT Associated mu=cos(emission angle) map | | | |-- MAP_9000039.FIT Temp map derived from HRII exposure ID 9000039 | |-- MAP_9000039_MU0.FIT Associated mu0=cos(incidence angle) map | |-- MAP_9000039_MU.FIT Associated mu=cos(emission angle) map | | | |-- THERMAL_COMPOSITE.FIT Hi-res thermal composite map at 120 m/pix | |-- THERMAL_COMPOSITE_MU0.FIT Associated mu0=cos(incidence angle) map | |-- THERMAL_COMPOSITE_MU.FIT Associated mu=cos(emission angle) map | | | |-- PLATE_TEMP.TAB ASCII table of plate temperatures | | | +-- *.LBL PDS labels for the data files in this directory | |--[DOCUMENT] Directory containing related documents | | | |-- DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory | |-- HRIV_9000909_001_CONTEXT.PNG Deconvolved HRIV image for context | +-- HRIV_9000909_001_CONTEXT.LBL PDS label | +--[INDEX] Directory containing index files | |-- INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory |-- INDEX.TAB Index of data files on this volume |-- INDEX.LBL PDS label for INDEX.TAB file |-- CHECKSUM.TAB MD5 Checksum file for files on this volume +-- CHECKSUM.LBL PDS label for CHECKSUM.TAB Whom to Contact for Information =============================== Temperature map generation: Olivier Groussin Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille Traverse du Siphon - Les 3 Lucs 13012 Marseille France olivier.groussin@oamp.fr Jianyang Li Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742-2421 USA jyli@astro.umd.edu Preparation for PDS (SBN): Stephanie McLaughlin Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742-2421 USA stefmcl@astro.umd.edu