DIF-C-HRIV/MRI-5-HARTLEY2-SHAPE-V1.0 ==================================== o Jian-Yang's presentation includes a number of minor documentation issues on pages 16, 20. -- References to special edition papers have been updated in: - Hartley2_shape_description.asc - dataset.cat - ref_epoxi.cat -- Checked numbers in the dataset.cat files - defined average radius - added definitions for A, B, C -- Typos, etc corrected as listed below o The Cartesian version degradation found in the Tempel 1 model appears here as well, and should be similarly corrected and documented.' -- cartesian coordinate version was recreated from the planetocentric coordinate version. -- details about how the model was created are included in the catalog files o The general liens for the Tempel 1 shape model also apply to this data set. -- DI catalog files fixed as in T1 dataset Recommendation: SPICE PC kernel parameters don't agree with the dataset.cat description of the axes and rotation. It probably should. -- it should, and probably will be, but that is not part of this data set. TF is sending a note to Boris about this, to see how they want to deal with it. TYPOS AND OTHER CHANGES TO TEXT FILES --------------------------------------------- voldesc.cat: * Line 28-30: Remove "\n" from the line end -- Done document/hartley2_mosaics.lbl: * Line 20: word coordinate is truncated. -- Fixed document/hartley2_shape_description.asc: * Typo: Line 10: remove 1 after "Hartley 2". -- Done document/plate_shape_definition.asc: * Line 3: Replace "Tempel 1" by "Hartley 2" -- Done * Line 34: Remove duplicated word "should" -- Done catalog/catinfo.txt: * Line 36 and 69: PERSONNEL.CAT is not included in the directory, but mentioned in this file. The description is wrong -- personnel.cat file added * Line 36: REFERENCE.CAT is mentioned, but it should be ref_epoxi.cat. -- Fixed catalog/dataset.cat: * Line 43: Update reference Thomas et al., 2013 -- Done * Line 65: Any reasons why the center of figure is offset from the coordinate origin? -- more text added * Line 71: Reference to Belton et al., 2013 needs to be updated -- done * Define A/B/C -- Done document/hartley2_shape_description.asc: * Line 72: Make the file name consistent -- Done