DI_RADIO -------- o = Lien x = Comment from lien resolution o D. Simpson has list of mechanical problems. x Implemented. o Catalog/: DSN needs to be added to instrument host. Dick S. has standard text for this; make sure the most recent catalog files are included in this dataset. x Added DSN to instrument host. Copied the most recent catalog files into this data set. o index.tab: Add STOP_TIME x Added. o index.lbl: There are keywords that are redundant to information that is in columns. x Removed redundant keywords. o Please add a list of near-encounter events that might have affected tracking, including time, magnitude and type of event. Contact Ray Frauenholz for Small Forces file. x Received the Small Forces file Ray Frauenholz. However DI did not have a formal Dynamics Experiment as Stardust did, so some of the information needed for dynamical analysis was not captured. Also the forces data were captured at 5 Hz, which is too slow for good dynamical analysis. Boris Semenov said the DI file was not scientifically useful. This is being pursued further with Mike A'Hearn. If this file is archived, it will be put into a new DI data set. o Add statement to aareadme.txt re: non-detection of fields (also add to dataset.html file). x Added to aareadme.txt, dataset.html, and voldes.cat. o Fix links to data in dataset.html. x Fixed. o deep_impact.cat: - Clarify the relationship of the fourth mission phase to the three that are archvied; - Statement about "descreasing sampling frequencies" is incorrect. - Add specific details of the sampling rates at various critical points in the mission, where there are currently comments about increasing and decreasing frequencies. - Provide a brief explanation of "shield mode" and the sort of data that were taken in that mode. - Check shield mode duration math and explain discrepancy (slow slew mode at end of shield mode) x Implemented these seven improvements and corrections. ----------------------------------- Additional comments from D. Simpson (in di_rs_cmnts.txt) ----------------------------------- AAREADME.TXT: 1. Missing PDS_VERSION_ID line at top of label x Fixes. 2. ISO-9660 Level 2 standards are only allowed for directory and file naming. All other aspects of the volume must follow Level 1. x Fixed. 3. For consistency with other data sets, I would prefer CATALOG file names of the forms MISSION.CAT, INSTHOST.CAT, INST.CAT, REF.CAT, and PERSON.CAT. x We'll continue to use the the SBN naming convention: deep_impact.cat, etc. 4. The description of [DATA]/[TRO] is incorrect; substitute: "Directory of troposphere calibration products" x Fixed. 5. Change the description of [DATA]/[DOCUMENT]/TRK_2_23.TXT to "SIS for media calibration data. x Fixed. 6. I am used to seeing "4800 Oak Grove Drive" included in JPL addresses; but perhaps that is not necessary. x Added. 7. The reader would appreciate a slight rewording at the top of this file indicating that this is an archive of RAW data and that no gravity signal from the comet has been detected in the tracking data. There is such a statement in DATASET.CAT, but browsers will probably go to AAREADME.TXT first. x Reworded. VOLDESC.CAT 1. RECORD_TYPE keyword missing at top. x Added. CATALOG Directory: 1. The DSN is part of the "instrument host" but it is not mentioned in DIF.CAT. CATINFO.TXT should note that DIF.CAT includes more than the spacecraft. x Add DSN. 2. There are several technical questions/problems in DEEP_IMPACT.CAT; see the Word version in the TYPOS directory for details. x Made corrections. DATA Directory: 1. The EOP/*LBL file points toward DOCUMENT/TRK_2_21.ASC; the actual file name is TRK_2_21.TXT. x Corrected data file names to *.ASC. 2. Similar problems with the ION/*.LBL and TRO/*.LBL pointers x Corrected data file names to *.ASC. DOCUMENT Directory: 1. The pointers in both *.LBL files point to *.ASC files whereas the files themselves have *.TXT extensions. x Corrected data file names to *.ASC. 2. DOCINFO.TXT says SIS is a System (rather than Software) Interface Specification. Both *.LBL files have the correct expansion. x Fixed. INDEX Directory: 1. INDEX.LBL defines 9 columns in INDEX.TAB; but 7 of them are also keywords in the label. The usage a ppears to be correct; but this may be confusing to users who expect keywords to indicate constant valu es which would not then appear as columns. x Fixed. 2. Why is START_TIME a column but STOP_TIME is not? x Added column for stop_time; adjusted the label. ----------------------------------- Additional changes by S.McLaughlin ----------------------------------- x Corrected volume_id from "DIRS9P_1000" to "DIRSS_0001". x ASCII "stream" data files in eop/, ion/, tro/, only had linefeeds. Added carriage returns and adjusted the descriptions in dataset.cat. x Added reference key IDs for deep_impact.cat and dif.cat to reference.cat.