DITV_0001 ========= voldesc.cat - This file is missing. errata.txt - If there are no errata, there should be no errata.txt file. DI Thermal Vac Data - General Liens: - The document set should include the requirements document for the instruments. - The Ball calibration plans need to be ITAR-cleared and added to the archive. - All the FITS files indicate an OBJECT of "ground_cal" which is not particularly helpful. Is it possible to put the experiment name (EXPRMNT) there instead? Please note this was only an IRAF issue. - In the mission.cat file, there are no units in the tables. - In the mission.cat file are "n/a" entries in the look-back phase table, which contradicts the text preceding that says all three instruments will continue to operate for 60 hours. Fix this inconsistency. - In inst_hriir.cat there are typos in the units of the overview tables. Also, the information here should be compared to that available on the instrument web site and edited/improved accordingly. - In inst_hriir.cat, move the data in text into tables as far as possible. - The catalog and info.txt files need to be proofed. This should be changed to avoid ambiguity. - HRIIR data needs a discussion of the manganen wire temperature correction for the focal plane array. - The general descriptions in the filter_*.lbl files do not apply equally to all filters. In particular, the "650 nm center and 700nm width" is clearly not true in at least three cases. - There are two different things called "templog", which is misleading. One name or the other should be changed (and the change propagated to info.txt and other documentation). [One is a temperature log, one is actually an IDL program.] - In catalog files, replace "principle" with "principal". - At the Deep Impact science team meeting on 13-14 September 2004, several members requested that the Science Data Center (SDC) modifiy all HRIIR image mode 6 FITS data from the thermal-vacuuum test by multiplying both the reset and data frames by negative one. Without this modification, the data frame must be subtracted from the reset frame to ensure the resulting image had positive data number. It is more intuitive to subract the reset frame from the data frame. However, Mike A'hearn and Stef McLaughlin prefer that the data remain in the original state as used by the science team for calibration analyses. catalog/ -------- These files do not use SBN standard names. To do so would make it somewhat easier to make sure the same name is used everywhere. catinfo.txt - The dataset catalog file has a different name than the one mentioned in this file. dataset_tv1.cat - I thought all the calibartion targets were just going to be "CALIBRATION". Why "GROUND CALIBRATION"? - CITATION_DESC may not be "NULL". Use "SBN". - There is no attribution for the DATA_SET_DESC text. No anonymous text in DATA_SET objects! - REFERENCE_KEY_ID values may NOT be used in text descriptions instead of proper citations. (They may be used in addition to them.) - DATA_SET_ID = "DIF-CAL-2-GROUND-TV1-HRIIR-V1.0". Instead, let's use the standard dsid format, and call this: "DIF-CAL-TV1-2-GROUND-HRIIR-V1.0" and the DATA_SET_NAME = "DEEP IMPACT THERMAL-VACUUM 1 GROUND DATA FOR HRIIR INSTRUMENT". The dsid will need to be changed in all other files, labels. - Beef up CONF_LEV_NOTE_lev. - In daily tests list, missing DOY 182 on July 1 2002. - In table of modes line 2 -- should be 512x128 (not 126). groundcal.cat - "CALIBRATION" is not a proper noun. TARGET_NAME should be something like "GROUND CALIBRATOR". insthost_flyby.cat - No attribution for the text, which I know I've read before, making it plagiarized. Attribute it or delete it. - RREFERENCE_KEY_IDs instead of citations. - Why does this object contain this sentence: "For further descriptions about the impactor..."? Impactor references are not relevant here. And descriptions are "of" something, not "about" something. - "The encounter will occur at 0.9 AU from the Sun and 1.5 AU from the Earth." -- should be the other way around - "At the maximum downlink rate, it 4.5 hours to empty the 309-MB memory." -- ...it takes 4.5 hours..." inst_hriir.cat - Is it really necessary and desirable to include "DEEP IMPACT" in the INSTRUMENT_NAME? - REFERENCE_KEY_ID blah blah blah - line17: Change "Principle" in "Principal Investigator" to "pal". - The word demagnificationof is misspelled on line 47. mission.cat - RECORD_TYPE does not belong in catalog files. - REFERENCE_KEY_IDs without citations. - Check with Tyler on this, but I think that MISSION_HOST may not contain multi-valued keywords. It must be repeated once for each unique INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID. - Another check with Tyler: Should ALL targets (including the calibration target(s)) be included in the MISSION_TARGET list? - "SHULTZ&ERNST2005" reference in text should be "SCHULTZ&ERNST2005" (it is correct in the reference_key_id). - "The Impactor will observe the comet with a visual CCD (ITSVIS) until the encounter" -- "...until the impact" ? - Tempel 1 encounter: Currently, "* = shield mode" is a footnote, but it is not clear what this means -- might be clearer to state "* = shield mode starts at I+760sec, and extends to I+40 mins" (or wherever it ends) OR: add a note that shield mode is discussed in detail later - Pixel scales of the instruments - need to specify meters - During lookback - says the 3 instruments will continue to observe for 60 hours, but in the table, HRIVIS has n/a for everything beyond 24 hours. Need to explain why. ref.cat - RECORD_TYPE is inappropriate in catalog files. - Articles accepted but not yet printed are "in press," not "in publication." - There are line break problems in some of the references, which suggests that some fast cutting-and-pasting were done. Do all these references really end with the same line ("Space Science Reviews, submitted")? - ref objects need reformatting - Tyler can do it if needed data/ ----- - Is it not possible to simplify these file names a bit? It looks to me like the first 8 bytes are redundant with the directory structure. *.lbl - STOP_TIME cannot be "N/A" if START_TIME is valid. It may be the same as the START_TIME (for an instantaneous observations), or it may be "UNK" or possibly "NULL," if you're planning to calculate it later on. - Labels should never contain filler values like "-9999.000". They must use the figurative constants "UNK," "N/A," or "NULL". - There is no unit on MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH and MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH. Even if the default is appropriate, which is unlikely, it is not safe to assume. - A) How can HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE be "N/A" in an image, and B) If they are, why are they in the label in the first place? - WHy is there a PRODUCER_FULL_NAME credit in here but not a CITATION_DESC? document/ --------- image_log/ - An image log in MS Excel format was included because this is the original image log. A PDF version was attempted but information was cropped because of the width of the log. However, a comma-separated, ASCII version is included in the archive. - Suggest SPREADSHEET_DOCUMENT instead of XLS_DOCUMENT in complex document labels. The use of Excel is discouraged, unless also accompanied by csv files for each worksheet. Please report on resources required to convert, and include individual CSV files for each spreadsheet in this Excel file. image_log/tv1_hri.lbl - "Personnel" is misspelled. pdsdd/pdsdd_di.lbl - Spelling errors. - These descriptions (and those elsewhere that refer to this document) confuse the concepts of "local dictionary," "PDS Data Dictionary", and the hybrid that is actually present in this directory. This needs to be MUCH more clearly explained. - pdsdd_di.full apparently contains a modified form of the pdsdd.full file, BUT THERE IS NO NOTATION TO THAT EFFECT IN THE FILE HEADER. This is misleading and completely inappropriate. - pdsdd.full + di keywords - is this the implementation we agreed upon? - Also, not that the last two lines of the main PDSDD.FULL should be relocated to the end of the DI entries, instead of being left at the end of the main DD. reports/reports.lbl - I find this description to be a bit sparse. The documents themselves seem to be colloquial, and perhaps culled from email messages. This should probably be explained. index/ ------ index.lbl - The required "index.tab" file absolutely, positively MUST use the INDEX_TABLE object and use it properly. Other indices MUST have names other than "index.tab." - INSTRUMENT_NAME is spelled differently here than in the data files and (I think) the instrument catalog file. - The index file typically contains a column for the dsid.