DITV_0002 ========= voldesc.cat - This file is missing. errata.txt - If there are no errata, there should be no errata.txt file. calib/ ------ *.lbl - PRODUCT_NAME will be forced to upper case. - Is this DESCRIPTION sufficient? I don't understand the jargon. - Why does every filter number EXCEPT 9 have both a number and a color in the file name? - For that matter, why does every file name begin with "filter_"? catalog/ -------- These files do not use SBN standard names. To do so would make it somewhat easier to make sure the same name is used everywhere. catinfo.txt - The dataset catalog file has a different name than the one mentioned in this file. dataset_tv2.cat - DATA_SET_NAME value is too long. - I thought all the calibration targets were just going to be "CALIBRATION". Why "GROUND CALIBRATION"? - CITATION_DESC may not be "NULL". - There is no attribution for the DATA_SET_DESC text. No anonymous text in DATA_SET objects! - REFERENCE_KEY_ID values may NOT be used in text descriptions instead of proper citations. (They may be used in addition to them.) - "Processing History" is blank. Either provide it or remove the heading. Is this file finished? - DATA_SET_HOST may not contain a multi-valued INSTRUMENT_ID. Provide separate DATA_SET_HOST object for each unique (INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID, INSTRUMENT_ID) pair. groundcal.cat - "CALIBRATION" is not a proper noun. TARGET_NAME should be something like "GROUND CALIBRATOR". - I think this DESCRIPTION may be too restrictive. hrivis.cat - This is a particularly bad name for this file. - "INSTRUMENT-INFO" (in the DATA_SET_ID) is not a good description for this dataset. - CITATION_DESC may not be "NULL". - Why is Don Hampton not credited in PRODUCER_FULL_NAME? insthost_flyby.cat - No attribution for the text, which I know I've read before, making it plagiarized. Attribute it or delete it. - RREFERENCE_KEY_IDs instead of citations. - Why does this object contain this sentence: "For further descriptions about the impactor..."? Impactor references are not relevant here. And descriptions are "of" something, not "about" something. inst_hriir.cat - Is it really necessary and desirable to include "DEEP IMPACT" in the INSTRUMENT_NAME? - REFERENCE_KEY_ID blah blah blah inst_hrivis.cat - Is it really necessary and desirable to include "DEEP IMPACT" in the INSTRUMENT_NAME? - RREFERENCE_KEY_IDs instead of citations. mission.cat - RECORD_TYPE does not belong in catalog files. - REFERENCE_KEY_IDs without citations. - Check with Tyler on this, but I think that MISSION_HOST may not contain multi-valued keywords. It must be repeated once for each unique INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID. - Another check with Tyler: Should ALL targets (including the calibration target(s)) be included in the MISSION_TARGET list? ref.cat - RECORD_TYPE is inappropriate in catalog files. - Articles accepted but not yet printed are "in press," not "in publication." - There are line break problems in some of the references, which suggests that some fast cutting-and-pasting were done. Do all these references really end with the same line ("Space Science Reviews, submitted")? data/ ----- - Is it not possible to simplify these file names a bit? It looks to me like the first 8 bytes are redundant with the directory structure. hriir/ & hrivis/ *.lbl - STOP_TIME cannot be "N/A" if START_TIME is valid. It may be the same as the START_TIME (for an instantaneous observations), or it may be "UNK" or possibly "NULL," if you're planning to calculate it later on. - Labels should never contain filler values like "-9999.000". They must use the figurative constants "UNK," "N/A," or "NULL". - There is no unit on MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH and MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH. Even if the default is appropriate, which is unlikely, it is not safe to assume. - A) How can HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE be "N/A" in an image, and B) If they are, why are they in the label in the first place? - Why is there a PRODUCER_FULL_NAME credit in here but not a CITATION_DESC? templog/*lbl - The comment after START_TIME and STOP_TIME appears to be gibberish. document/ --------- pdsdd/pdsdd_di.lbl - Spelling errors. - These descriptions (and those elsewhere that refer to this document) confuse the concepts of "local dictionary," "PDS Data Dictionary", and the hybrid that is actually present in this directory. This needs to be MUCH more clearly explained. - pdsdd_di.full apparently contains a modified form of the pdsdd.full file, BUT THERE IS NO NOTATION TO THAT EFFECT IN THE FILE HEADER. This is misleading and completely inappropriate. reports/reports.lbl - I find this description to be a bit sparse. The documents themselves seem to be colloquial, and perhaps culled from email messages. This should probably be explained. reports/summary.lbl - Spelling/grammar errors templog/*.lbl - Grammar errors index/ ------ - Could these file names be any more confusing? - INDEX/ subdirectory file naming standards are being flagrantly ignored here. - This directory and its contents needs to be completely re-done according to standards. hrivis_index.lbl - Why is this file here? indxinfo.txt - Last two descriptions have the same file name. - There is a file missing from the file list (index_hrivis). index.lbl - The required "index.tab" file absolutely, positively MUST use the INDEX_TABLE object and use it properly. Other indices MUST have names other than "index.tab." - INSTRUMENT_NAME is spelled differently here than in the data files and (I think) the instrument catalog file.