DIF-CAL-HRIV-2-EPOXI-CALIBRATIONS-V2.0 ====================================== Review Results: Accepted pending lien resolution. Certified. Symbol Key: o = Lien open x = Lien resolved + = Comments (by SAM unless otherwise indicated) Liens ===== x There is a table file in the document/directory listing all the data files. It looks like an index file. It should probably be in the index/ directory, but some reviewers prefer it in the data or document directory. Please move it to the index/directory, but mention in the docinfo.txt file that it exists. + The science image parameter tables are considered documentation for EPOXI. Reviewers for v1.0 and for EPOXI/EPOCh datasets perferred these files in DOCUMENT. We will continue this practice for these EPOXI Hartley2 datasets. x In the dataset.cat file, the summary table needs to have dates and day-of-years checked. + Checked the dates and DOY values. No discrepancies. x In the MRI and HRIV IMAGE label NOTE fields, the word "dimesion" is both misspelled and misused. "Image slice" or "plane" would be a better choice. + Not applicable. This lien applies to a few /calib/ labels in dif-c-hriv-3_4-epoxi-hartley2-v1.0 & dif-c-mri-3_4-epoxi-hartley2-v1.0. x If possible, add the QE curve for the CCDs to the other documentation or calibration information, as seems most appropriate. + Not applicable to this dataset. QE curve provided by KKlaasen was added to /calib/ of DIF-C-HRIV-3/4-EPOXI-HARTLEY2-V1.0 dataset. x In the document/ directory, the epoxy_sis.pdf file Table 1 lists some dates as 2010 which should be 2011. (What is the status of this in the documentation set?) Why are these critical documents that were supposedly collected in the best version in the document set being duplicated in the data set document/ subdirectories? They should not be. + Done. Fixed epoxy_sis.pdf. In the past reviewers liked the more relevant documents in /document/ of the EPOXI datasets. We will continue that practice. x In the data set document/ directories, epoxy_inflight_cal_summary.pdf file, there is a reference to "iCar" which, to start with, should be "i Car", and which needs to have the better-known HD number included each time that name is listed. This file should not be in the data set document/ directories (it should be in the document collection). + Done. Noted in the document that 'i Car' is designated as 'HD 79447' in the archived data products. Also noted that the date for the IR extended linearity cal is 2/5-6/2011 (not 2010). x In the quaternion description document, the terminology used to identify the elements (q0, q1, q2,q3) doesn't match the terminology used in the FITS headers, which refer to "qA, qX, qY, qZ". + This lien belongs to the quaternion.asc file DI&EPOXI Doc Set V3.0! + Done. Edited quaternion.asc in V3.0 Doc Set to include the corresponding FITS header keywords that capture the quaternion. x catalog/hriv.cat x Fix outdated wording (e.g., "after EPOCh..."). + Done. x catalog/epoxi.cat x Check frequency that is specified for the IR coma scans for the paragraph about departure imaging E+12 to E+21 days. + Done. LFeaga provided cadences for E-18 hours to E+2 days and for E+12 to E+21 days. x document/pdsdd_epoxi.ful document/pdsdd_epoxi.idx x Add "DEEP IMPACT/EPOXI DOCUMENT COLLECTION V3.0" VOLUME_SET_NAME in pdsdd_epoxi.ful. Then remake pdsdd_epoxi.idx. + Solved lien by deleting the "V3.0" string from VOLUME_SET_NAME in the voldesc.cat file in di-c-hrii_hriv_mri_its-6-doc-set-v3.0. x All copies of /catalog/epoxi.cat Cruise 1, EPOCh Photometry Test: "On 4-9 November 2007, EPOCh photometry tests were performed. During these tests, the HRIV instrument observed a bright (V=9) visual binary star (HD 80607) for 12 continuous hours to check..." However the images were unexpectedly offset by 29 microradian (12.2 arcsec)." Check this conversion. I get 29 microradian = 6.0 arcsec. Which value is correct?? + Done. The correct value of the unexpected offset was 59 microradian per an email from DDeming dated 28 Nov 2007. Corrected that value in epoxi.cat. x epoxi_sis.pdf x Page 27, table, last row, col 2: "...-MRIV-..." should be "...-MRI..."? + Done. Fixed the typo. x Section 4.5: the massive table does not have EPOXI:MAXIMUM, EPOXI:MINIMUM, EPOXI:MEDIAN, EPOXI:STANDARD_DEVIATION, which are in examples earlier in the SIS and in labels such as dif-c-mri-3_4-epoxi-hartley2-v1.0/data/radrev/2010/248/mv10090513_4000000_001_rr.lbl + Done. Added keywords; have same definition as the "derived" keywords (e.g. EPOXI:DERIVED_MINIMUM). x Very minor, so not really a lien, but we should keep the text but remove the yellow highlighting in the HRIIR limitations section of the supporting document file: hartley2_cal_pipeline_summ.pdf. This file is in many of the data sets. The highlighted text was there when LFeaga wrote it to get agreement from the team that those were the correct values. We do not need or want to make that stand out in the archive, so the highlighting should be removed. + Done. x dif-cal-hriv-2-epoxi-calibrations-v2.0/catalog/dataset.cat Cruise 1, EPOCh Photometry Test: "On 4-9 November 2007, EPOCh photometry tests were performed. During these tests, the HRIV instrument observed a bright (V=9) visual binary star (HD 80607) for 12 continuous hours to check..." However the images were unexpectedly offset by 29 microradian (12.2 arcsec). " Check this conversion. I get 29 microradian = 6.0 arcsec. Which value is correct?? + Done. The correct value of the unexpected offset was 59 microradian per an email from DDeming dated 28 Nov 2007. Corrected that value in epoxi.cat. x catalog/dataset_rawcalhriv.cat is very similar to catalog/dataset.cat (with some small additions - appears dataset_rawcalhriv.cat may be updated version). One should be saved as dataset.cat, and the other deleted. + Done. The dataset_rawcalhriv.cat file was a leftover of data preparation. Deleted this old file. x document/epoxi_inflight_cal_summary.pdf AND document/epoxi_inflight_cals_summary.pdf appear to be the same file. One of these (along with .lbl file) should be deleted. + Done. The epoxi_inflight_cals_summary.cat file was a leftover from data preparation. Deleted this old file. x In catalog/hriv.cat: In Instrument Overview, first paragraph, the sentence: "The HRI telescope is a classical Cassegrain design with the following parameters:" is repeated (twice). + Done. x In catalog/dataset.cat: Data Set Overview, Instrument Checkout, first line: "On 4 October the three science instruments..." Add year, presumably 2007. + Done. x In the dataset.cat file only 8 imaging modes are listed, but the SIS says there are 9 modes. The missing diagnostic mode must be added to dataset.cat table. + Done. Added mode 9 for full-frame diagnostic. x dif-cal-hriv-2-epoxi-calibrations-v2.0/catalog/dataset_rawcalhriv.cat This looks like a temp file accidentally left over. In case not: x same DATA_SET_ID as dataset.cat x Line 16: STOP_TIME isn't set well x Line 133: was that email meant to be included? If so, remove tabs x many lines are more than 78 chars x non-ASCII double quotes are illegal (e.g. ³OFF²) + Done. The dataset_rawcalhriv.cat file was a leftover from data preparation. Deleted this old file. x The catinfo.txt does not mention the calibration.cat file which is in the directory, but probably shouldn't be. + Done. The calibration.cat file was a leftover from data preparaton. Deleted it from /catalog/. x Voldesc.cat needs to have VOLUME_VERSION_ID = 2. + Done.