EPOXI Review - 29 September 2010 16 Dec 2010, sam, Inserted comments about resolving liens. DIF-CAL-HRIV-6-EPOXI-STELLAR-PSFS-V1.0 ====================================== o Add a description of how the constituent images were combined to create the PSFs, including file-by-file x and y offsets used to combine source files. >> The first half of this lien was implemented. The project felt a list of x and y offsets is overkill and did not implement it. o Need an integrated intensity of the photometric aperture file-by-file for each target. >> Done. Computed values added to FITS headers. o Add pixel scale keyword(s) to the FITS headers. >> Done. Existing scale keywords was further defined in the headers and described in the PSF report by data provider (R.Barry). o Check START_TIMEs in the index table. >> Fixed. The data provider included stop times, too. o Need an indication of time variance for each PSF, to be included in the documentation. >> Done. Noted in the headers. o Add star colors preferably to FITS headers/PDS labels, or to the documentation. >> Done. Captured this information in a header keyword. o Note that Rich Barry's paper mentioned for the previous data set is also relevant to this one. >> Done. Data provider reworked and improved the PSF report. o Richard Chen will submit a list of standards compliance issues via email: catalog/epoxi.cat o Target MOA-2009-BLG-266 needs a TARGET.CAT. >> At the review, SBN showed a catalog file for this target is included in the DIF-X-HRIV-5-EPOXI-EXOPLANETS-PHOT-V1.0 data set. The file needs to be submitted to EN. >> Already done. o S. McLaughlin submitted a list of liens: catalog/dif.cat o Change instances of Doc Set "V2.0" to "V3.0". >> Done. catalog/epoxi.cat o Change start/stop dates to "2009-09-30" for "Checkout after HRI Turnoff" on 2010 DOY 273 in the mission activities list. >> Done. General Liens ------------- o Check all EPOXI data sets for the FITS header errors listed in Kelly Fast's presentation; fix them as needed. >> N/A. o Note that no link was provided from the review page or dataset.html pages to the DI/EPOXI documentation set, so this was effectively unavailable to the reviewers. >> N/A. These data are accepted for certification.