PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2010-04-30 NOTE = "Description of the contents of the DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation to to assist with understanding the data and the processing involved. Documents are required to be given as ASCII text, but may also be given in other formats for better readability, such as Adobe PDF. Each document is accompanied by a detached PDS label file. The following files are found in this directory: DOCINFO.TXT - The file you are now reading. EPOXI_HRIV_PSFS.PDF EPOXI_HRIV_PSFS.HTM EPOXI_HRIV_PSFS_IMG*.PNG EPOXI_HRIV_PSFS.LBL - "Development and Utilization of the HRIV Point Spread Function for the EPOXI Mission" by R. Barry describes how the HRIV instrumental PSFs for EPOXI stellar calibrators such as Achernar and those for exoplanet transit targets such as GJ 436 were produced using a drizzle method. It also discusses the utilization of the PSFs.