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PDS Data Release - DS1-MICAS at Borrelly

Topics on this page:
Introduction | Borrelly EDRs | Calibrated CCD
Calibrated SWIR | Nucleus Topo Model | Animation | SPICE-etc


Version 4.0 May 12, 2003
On September 22, 2001 at 22:29:33 UTC the Deep Space 1 (DS1, see spacecraft passed within 2171 km on the sunward side of 19P/Borrelly, a short-period Jupiter-family comet. The flyby velocity was 16.5 km/s; the approach phase was about 88 degrees. DS1 carries an integrated instrument Miniature Integrated Camera-Spectrometer (MICAS) that includes two visible imagers (VISCCD and APS) and two imaging spectrometers (SWIR and UV). During the encounter the VISCCD and SWIR channels collected scientific observations. For early scientific results see Soderblom et al., Science, v. 296, p. 1087, May 10, 2002.

During the last month of approach, 11 far encounter sequences were acquired with the VISCCD. The first (far01) was about 29 days before C/A, the last (far11) at about -11 hrs. The primary encounter imaging data were collected with the VISCCD from about -85m through about -3m (labeled near_ccd). The primary SWIR data were acquired at about -2m (labeled near_swir of which only ir_streak_1.pds contains the nucleus). Some of the VISCCD images labeled "snip..." are partial frames acquired for onboard navigation and valid data was returned in them only for a 100x100 pixel square in which the onboard computer was tracking the target.

This data available on this Website will be expanded as new products are available. This release (v 3.0) includes 1) the raw MICAS EDR data (engineering data records); 2) radiometrically processed versions of near-encounter VISCCD images; 3) a subset of near-encounter VISCCD images that have additionally been deblurred; 4) radiometrically calibrated SWIR image frames from which spectra for Borrelly's nucleus were extracted, calibrated in wavelength and spectral sensitivity and presented in normalized I/F(λ) units (see below); 5) the USGS digital shape model of Borrelly's nucleus, including surface normals and an orthographically rectified version of ccd_near_1; and 6) nucleus and jet animations derived from select MICAS images. The radiometrically calibrated versions (.cub extensions) were processed with the USGS ISIS S/W (available on The radiometric VISCCD images are in floating point units of I/F (radiance factor) where πF is the incident flux and I is the observed intensity (both integrated over the VISCCD bandpass, which has a peak response at about 0.66μm. In these units a 100%-reflecting Lambertian disk next to the comet would have an I/F of 1.0 illuminated normal to its surface.

Additional products will be provided along with current products below. Ancillary data includes includes additional documentation, Planetary Data System (PDS) archive required files, and other relevant information as needed in support of the archive.

Borrelly EDRs

EDR Archive for Far and Near Encounter Observations of Borrelly

Data Directories for Borrelly Far and Near Encounter Images
< edr/far01 > < edr/far02 > < edr/far03 > < edr/far04 >
< edr/far05 > < edr/far06 > < edr/far07 > < edr/far08 >
< edr/far09 > < edr/far10 > < edr/far11 >
< edr/near_ccd > < edr/near_swir >

Calibrated CCD Products

Data Directories for Calibrated Borrelly Far and Near Encounter CCD (Selected) Images
< derived/near_ccd/radiometric >
< derived/near_ccd_subset/deblur_radiometric >

Calibrated SWIR Products

Data Directories for Calibrated Borrelly Near Encounter SWIR (Selected) Products
< derived/near_swir/normalized_spectra >

Nucleus Topograpic Model

Data Directories for Topographic Model products
< derived/topo >

Borrelly Animations

Data Directories for Animation Products
< derived/animation >

MICAS SPICE, Camera Models, Calibration Sources, etc

Additional products to be made available as produced and released
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