Attached is a copy of EAR-C-COMPIL-5-COMET-NUC-PROPERTIES-V2.0 that I corrected and loaded into Ferret. I found errors in and several data tables; Ludmilla verified the discrepancies were indeed errors or typos that needed to be fixed. These corrected files should really be applied to the dataset archived at our comet subnode: catalog/ - 2012-04-19 SBN:sam As part of lien resolution for V2.0, corrected comet names and discovery IDs in,,,,; corrected/edited several full citations in Added modification history section to DATA_SET_DESC. Corrected PRODUCT_NAME in best_radii.lbl. data/ & .lbl - 2012-04-12 SBN:sam Corrected DISCOVERY_ID for IRAS-Araki-Alcock entry (1993 H1 -> 1983 H1) and changed COMET_TYPE and COMET_NAME from C/LONEOS to P/LONEOS 5 to match values in data/ & .lbl - 2012-04-14 SBN:sam Corrected COMET_NAMEs 55P/Tempel-Tuttle 1, 160P/LINEAR 43, C/Great September Comet, and C/Utsunomiya. - 2012-04-17 SBN:sam Corrected PRODUCT_NAME, which was identical to the value in comet.lbl. data/ & .lbl - 2012-04-04 SBN:sam Corrected COMET_NAMEs 55P/Tempel-Tuttle 1, 160P/LINEAR 43, C/Great September Comet, and C/Utsunomiya. data/ & .lbl - 2012-04-12 SBN:sam Corrected designations P/Larsen -> P/Larsen 3, P/Read 3 -> 238P/Read 3, & C/LONEOS -> P/LONEOS 5. data/ & .lbl - 2012-04-17 SBN:sam Corrected OBJECT_NAMEs: LONEOS 4 -> LONEOS 5 and Phaeton -> Phaethon. data/ & .lbl - 2012-04-17 SBN:sam Per Y. Fernandez, changed full citation for Fernandez et al. (2003) to one for Fernandez et al. (2005) because the 'Fe+03' reference in Comet II points to the wrong publication and the intended paper on extinct nuclei from 2003 was never published but lead to a publication in 2005. Updated full citation for Groussin et al. (2004) that was published in 2010. Made minor edits to entries for publications since Comets II for consistency. N.B. Diff this file and the archived one to get the exact changes if necessary. index/ & .lbl - 2012-04-19 Remade checksums to reflect revisions. - 2012-04-17 SBN:sam As part of lien resolution for V2.0, corrected comet names and discovery IDs in,,,,; corrected/edited several full citations in