Wild 2 Keck II/ESI data ======================= VOLDESC.CAT ----------- "SBN_0007" is a bad volume id (syntactically OK, but a problem internally because VOLUME_IDs have to be unique forever) DATA_SET_ID has changed since the review. This one may be viewed as invalid, because description fields should not be multi-valued. Personally, I only care because slashes are a pain in the neck to deal with in file names and regular expressions. The DATA_PRODUCER must be a human. The target catalog file names are incorrect. CATALOG ======= dataset.cat ----------- The ARCHIVE_STATUS value is not correct (it's not locally archived until it is accepted as archivable by the curating node/subnode). The PRODUCER_FULL_NAME here is correct, but does not match the VOLDESC.CAT information. CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE is required. "NONE PROVIDED" is not an acceptable value. If these data were taken specifically for the Stardust mission, there should ba a DATA_SET_MISSION object for Stardust as well. instrument.cat -------------- The INSTRUMENT_NAME should almost certainly not include an operating mode. Instrument modes do not get their own catalog files. The instrument file should define all the modes, even if it only describes one in detail. I suspect "Low-resolution" is not an adequate description for a mode in this case, though "echelle" might be. The INSTRUMENT_DESC should not refer to "this instrument catalog file". It's an instrument description, not a catalog file description. mission.cat ----------- If this file has been updated, no note of it has been made in the required LABEL_REVISION NOTE. I see it contains a valid and an invalid TARGET_NAME for P/Wild 2. Why? The mission catalog file for Stardust should also be included. calibration.cat --------------- This catalog file contains less information than the existing catalog file and should not be allowed to overwrite it. It should be replaced by the existing file, if appropriate. DATA ==== INSTRUMENT_NAME and INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME are not in upper case. (I care slightly, EN may care a lot.) File names are in lower case. (I don't care, EN might.) There is no UNIT in the IMAGE objects. Is that correct? lab_spectra_param_table.lbl --------------------------- The name of this file doesn't seem to have anything to do with the contents of the file. Given the actual contents of the file, all of the keywords with values of "N/A" in the label should have real values. wils2astrom.lbl --------------- How is the information in this file different from the apparently equivalent information elsewhere? DOCUMENT ======== The ads.txt file does not, in fact, appear to be a flat text file. It looks like it contains markup. Why does it not have an appropriate suffix? Who sends this file to the ADS abstract service? INDEX ===== INDEX_TABLE is missing the required PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME column (it is NOT constant in all labels and therefore cannot be included as a keyword outside the INDEX_TABLE object, plus it's different from all the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME values that DO appear in the labels). _________________________________________________________________________________ LIENS ===== instrument.cat o I still don't see a pixel scale in the instrument description. o INSTRUMENT_TYPE probably still needs to be adjusted, given the problems still existing in the instrument.cat file. dataset.cat o In fact, this data set contains both raw and processed data, so the CODMAC number in the DSID should probably be 2/3 (another problem with the DSID). fits_param_table.lbl (renamed lab_spectra_param_table.lbl?) o The "N/A" keyword problem has not been fixed. - I note that most of the column originally in this table have been removed. Why? I don't see much point in having it as it is. model_desc.txt - What happened to this document? tmplog/temp_ext_hri.txt - What happened to this document?