PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2010-11-02 NOTE = "List of contents in the CATALOG directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END NOTE: CD-ROM volume SL9_0013 was split into separte datasets. This is the reduced and revised version of the original file dated 2005-10-18. TARGET/J1_IO.CAT Io description TARGET/J2_EUROPA.CAT Europa description TARGET/JUPITER.CAT Jupiter description CATINFO.TXT This file with directory listing COMET_SL9_JUPITER_COLLISION.CAT Mission description for SL9 campaign DSCOLL.CAT Data Set Collection Description HSOTP.CAT UMd/Perth Observatory High-Speed Photometer description MTSC14.CAT Perth Observatory remote site description (Mt. Singleton) REFERENCE.CAT List of cited references UM_DATASET.CAT Data set of Jovian satellite photometry prepared by UMd