PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-05-18 NOTE = "INDEX/ directory contents" END_OBJECT = TEXT END INDEX/ Directory Contents ========================= Normally, this index would contain indices into the files of this volume. However, these data are so primitive with respect to the current (V3.8) PDS Standards that the minimal labels included do not actually contain enough information for the usual tools to generate a meaningful index. So the usually required PDS manifest index is not present. The CHECKSUM.TAB file does contain a complete listing, of course, and can serve as a simple manifest if one is needed. checksum.lbl PDS3 label for checksum.tab checksum.tab MD5 checksums for every file on the disk except itself and checksum.lbl indxinfo.txt This file