INFRARED STUDIES NETWORK                                                                              
          A summary of infrared observations during the 1984/85 apparition of                                                     
P/Giacobini-Zinner (G-Z), prepared by the Discipline Specialist Team listed in                                                    
Table I, is contained in Table II.  These observations were both a test run for                                                   
Comet Halley by many of the observers, and of intrinsic scientific interest for                                                   
this comet.  Highlights of the observations included striking infrared images,                                                    
low resolution spectroscopy, limited infrared polarimetry, and photometry.                                                        
          Although the IHW encouraged and assisted in planning the observations,                                                  
and interceded with observatories on behalf of the projects, a formally organ-                                                    
ized photometric monitoring program of G-Z was not carried out.  Partly on the                                                    
basis of experience gained from G-Z, such programs were later organized and                                                       
successfully executed for Comet Halley at several observatories.  The filter                                                      
descriptions (Tables III-IV) were supplied by the observers.  Most of the fil-                                                    
ters were supplied by the same source (Optical Coating Laboratory, Inc., OCLI)                                                    
and are similar to each other.  Further details can be found in the references                                                    
and will also be included in the Comet Halley Archive when it is published.                                                       
Table I.  Discipline Specialist Team of the Infrared Studies Network                                                              
Team Member        Affiliation                             Responsibility                                                         
Roger F. Knacke    Department of Earth & Space Sciences    Discipline Specialist                                                  
                   State University of New York                                                                                   
                   Stony Brook, NY 11794                                                                                          
Therese Encrenaz   Observatoire de Paris                   Discipline Specialist                                                  
                   Section d'Astrophysique                                                                                        
                   F-92195 Meudon                                                                                                 
Brian McGuinness   Department of Earth & Space Sciences    Software Assistant                                                     
                   State University of New York                                                                                   
Mildred O'Dowd     Department of Earth & Space Sciences    Assistant                                                              
                   State University of New York                                                                                   
          Several choices had to be made about what to include in the archive.                                                    
Considerable portions of the infrared data or analyses appear in the published                                                    
literature.  In the case of small data sets like photometry, the material was                                                     
included in the archive, with appropriate references, even if it also appears                                                     
in the literature.  On the other hand, the images, which were all published,                                                      
were included in digital form in the archive, but were not prepared for the                                                       
printed volumes.  The archive is a unique resource for these kinds of data.  We                                                   
emphasize that the G-Z archive should be used in conjunction with the original                                                    
literature sources by the investigators whenever possible.  It contains all the                                                   
published references known to us as of August 15, 1988.                                                                           
          When we knew of the existence of observations that were not submitted                                                   
for archiving (in fact, just one case), we created descriptive files and refer-                                                   
ences reflecting our knowledge of the data.  These may assist future searches.                                                    
It appears that the present archive is an essentially complete compendium of                                                      
infrared observations of Comet P/Giacobini-Zinner in the 1984/85 apparition.                                                      
Infrared spectroscopy and imaging data are contained in the digital G-Z archive                                                   
and, in many cases, in the published literature.  These data are not reproduced                                                   
in the printed archive which, in this instance, is a guide and index to the                                                       
primary references.                                                                                                               
          The Infrared Studies column headings for the printed archive are                                                        
described in Table V.  Table VI contains keyword descriptions for the digital                                                     
archive.  These are essentially similar to or identical with the definitions                                                      
used by the other networks and comply with the FITS standards.                                                                    
          The Infrared Studies Discipline Specialist Team members would like to                                                   
thank the observers, observatory directors, support personnel, and many others                                                    
who contributed to and supported the P/Giacobini-Zinner Watch.                                                                    
Table II.  Infrared Studies Network Observing Summary                                                                             
Date UT    Observer(s)                    Facility    Type of Observation                                                         
June  8     Veeder, G., Hanner, M.          IRTF      J,H,K,8.7,N,Q                                                               
      9     Veeder, G., Hanner, M.          IRTF      N,Q                                                                         
     10     Veeder, G., Hanner, M.          IRTF      N,Q                                                                         
     25     Joyce, R., Echohawk, J.         KPNO      J,H,K                                                                       
     26     Joyce, R., Echohawk, J.         KPNO      N                                                                           
     27     Grasdalen, G.                   WIRO      K image                                                                     
July  9     Johnson, T., et al.             IRTF      8.7,N,Q                                                                     
     10     Campins, H.                     KPNO      J,H,K,L                                                                     
     12     Veeder, G. et al.               IRTF      8.7,N                                                                       
Aug.  4     Telesco, C., et al.             WIRO      10.8 image                                                                  
     15     Grasdalen, G., Williams, T.     WIRO      H,K images                                                                  
     17     Hayward, T., Jaworowski, C.     WIRO      K images                                                                    
            Green, S., Davies, J.           UKIRT     J,H,K,L,L'; J,K images                                                      
     18     Green, S., Davies, J.           UKIRT     J,H,K,L,L'; J,H,K,L images                                                  
     19     Green, S., Davies, J.           UKIRT     J,H,K,L' images                                                             
     24     McDonnell, J., Zarnecki, J.     UKIRT     1.4-2.5 spectrum; J,H,K,L,                                                  
     25     McDonnell, J., Zarnecki, J.     UKIRT     J,H,K,L,L',M,8.7,9.8,11.6,                                                  
            Tokunaga, A., Griep, D.         IRTF      J,H,K,L,M,N,Q                                                               
     26     McDonnell, J., Zarnecki, J.     UKIRT     K polarimetry                                                               
            Tokunaga, A., Griep, D.         IRTF      M,7.8,8.7,9.8,10.3,11.6,                                                    
     31     Hayward, T. Wilton, C.          WIRO      N images                                                                    
Sept. 4     Tokunaga, A., Griep, D.         IRTF      8.7,N,Q                                                                     
            Joyce, R.                       KPNO      J,H,K                                                                       
      5     Kaminski, C. et al.             IRTF      N,Q                                                                         
      6     Golish, W., Kaminski, C.        IRTF      8.7,N,Q                                                                     
     11     Grasdalen, G.                   WIRO      H,K images                                                                  
     12     Green, S., MacDonald, G.        UKIRT     J,H,K,L,L',M,8.7,9.8                                                        
            Hanner, M. et al.               IRTF      M,8.7,N,Q                                                                   
     13     Hayward, T., Greenhouse, M.     WIRO      K,N images                                                                  
     14     Greenhouse, M., Hayward, T.     WIRO      1.9-2.5 spectrum                                                            
     17     Bregman, J.                     KAO       8-13 spectrum                                                               
Table III.  NASA IRTF Filters (cf. Tokunaga 1986; OCLI                                                                            
            1987) and UKIRT Filters                                                                                               
                NASA IRTF                 UKIRT                                                                                   
          --------------------    --------------------                                                                            
Filter    Effective   Bandpass    Effective   Bandpass                                                                            
 Name     Wavelength    FWHMa     Wavelength    FWHMa                                                                             
           [micron]   [micron]     [micron]   [micron]                                                                            
  J          1.25       0.30         1.25       0.3                                                                               
  H          1.65       0.35         1.65       0.3                                                                               
  K          2.20       0.42         2.20       0.4                                                                               
  L          3.45       1.05         3.53       0.7                                                                               
  L1         ....       ....         3.73       0.6                                                                               
  L'         3.80       0.67         ....       ...                                                                               
  M          4.80       0.57         4.76       0.6                                                                               
             7.8        0.7          ...        ...                                                                               
             8.7        1.2          8.7        1.2                                                                               
             9.8        1.2          9.8        1.2                                                                               
  N         10.1        5.1         10.0        5.2                                                                               
            10.3        1.3         ....        ...                                                                               
            11.6        1.3         11.6        1.3                                                                               
            12.5        1.2         12.5        1.2                                                                               
  Q         20.0        9.0         19.2        5.0                                                                               
a Full width at half maximum                                                                                                      
Table IV.  KPNO Filters (cf. KPNO IR Instrument Observers                                                                         
           Manual) and WIRO Filters (OCLI 1987)                                                                                   
                  KPNO                     WIRO                                                                                   
          --------------------    -----------------------                                                                         
Filter    Effective   Bandpass      Center     Half Power                                                                         
 Name     Wavelength   FWHM(a)    Wavelength     Points                                                                           
           [micron]   [micron]     [micron]     [micron]                                                                          
  J          1.23       0.23         1.25       1.1, 1.4                                                                          
  H          1.653      0.297        1.65       1.5, 1.8                                                                          
  K          2.22       0.41         2.20       2.0, 2.4                                                                          
  L          3.45       0.57         3.82       3.5, 4.15                                                                         
  M          4.64       0.34         4.70       4.4, 5.0                                                                          
  N         10.2        6.0(b)       ....       .........                                                                         
a Full width at half maximum                                                                                                      
b 7.81-13.8 microns.                                                                                                              
Table V.  Infrared Studies Printed Archive Column Headings                                                                        
Column          Description                                                                                                       
      1. IR PHOTOMETRY                                                                                                            
Date (UT)      Date of the middle of the observation (in days and fraction of a                                                   
                 day, UT)                                                                                                         
IRSN #         Infrared studies number--a unique number for each observation                                                      
Filter         Filter, a letter or a number (wavelength in microns)--usually                                                      
                 described in a table in the appendix and/or in a reference in                                                    
                 the literature                                                                                                   
Mag            Magnitude and its error                                                                                            
ApDia          Aperture diameter in arcsec                                                                                        
ExpS           Length of observation in seconds                                                                                   
See            Seeing in arcsec                                                                                                   
Wea            Weather (Clr = clear, Haz = hazy, etc.)                                                                            
Airm           Average airmass during observation                                                                                 
ChpThr         Chopping Throw distance (in arcsec) and direction                                                                  
Or             Origin or position of center of aperture (CV = center of visible                                                   
                 image, PS = point of peak signal, number = reference to ORIGIN                                                   
FT             Filter table number                                                                                                
System         Observatory system code                                                                                            
Observer(s)    Name(s) of observer(s)                                                                                             
Notes          Notes                                                                                                              
      2. IR POLARIMETRY                                                                                                           
Polar          Percent polarization and error                                                                                     
Angle          Polarization angle (in deg) and error                                                                              
      3. IR SPECTROSCOPY                                                                                                          
Resol          Spectral resolution (percent or fraction)                                                                          
Range          Wavelength range of spectrum in microns                                                                            
Origin         Same as Or in IR Photometry                                                                                        
      4. IR IMAGING                                                                                                               
Range          Wavelength range of filter in microns                                                                              
Pixel          Pixel size in arcsec                                                                                               
Table VI. Keywords in the FITS headers(a)                                                                                         
Keyword             Description                                                                                                   
SIMPLE              Does the file conform to FITS format? (T = yes, F = no).                                                      
                      T for all IR G-Z data                                                                                       
BITPIX              Number of bits/pixel                                                                                          
NAXIS               Number of axes in array                                                                                       
EXTEND              Is file written in conformance with the (new) extension                                                       
                    standard?  (T = yes, F = no).  T for all IR G-Z data                                                          
OBJECT              Name of object                                                                                                
FILE-NUM            File identification number                                                                                    
DATE-OBS            Date of middle of observation (UT)                                                                            
TIME-OBS            Time of middle of observation (UT decimal days)                                                               
DATE-REL            Date when observation may be publicly released                                                                
DISCIPLN            IHW Discipline ('IR STUDIES')                                                                                 
LONG-OBS            East longitude of observatory (0-360 degrees)                                                                 
LAT-OBS             Latitude of observatory (+ = North, - = South)                                                                
SYSTEM              Observing system code 2NNNXXYY, where 2 denotes the IR                                                        
                    Studies  Network, NNN the IAU observatory code, XX the                                                        
                    telescope, and YY not used                                                                                    
OBSERVER            Observer(s) Name(s)                                                                                           
SUBMITTER           Submitter(s) Name(s)                                                                                          
SPEC-EVT            Special Event? (T = yes, F = no).  F for all IR G-Z data                                                      
DAT-FORM            Describes form of data, 'STANDARD' or 'ASCII' for tables                                                      
DAT-TYPE            Type of data being submitted ('PHOTOMETRY','POLARIZATION',                                                    
                      'SPECTROSCOPY','IMAGE   ','LINEAR IMAGE','IMAGE SUM', or                                                    
OBSVTORY            Name of submitting observatory                                                                                
LOCATION            Location of submitting observatory                                                                            
TELESCOP            Telescope identification (size)                                                                               
INSTRUME            Instrument used                                                                                               
COMMENT             Cols. 9-80 are a comment                                                                                      
HISTORY             Cols. 9-80 are a comment                                                                                      
FILTER              Type of filter used                                                                                           
APERSIZE            Entrance aperture size (arcsec)                                                                               
AIRM-AVG            Average airmass of observation                                                                                
RANGE-SP            Approximate spectral range (Angstrom)                                                                         
RESOL-SP            Approximate spectral resolution                                                                               
APSIZE              Original pixel size of detector/digitizer                                                                     
DIS-CODE            Filter table number (in filter table files)                                                                   
BSCALE              Scale factor used to convert tape pixel values to true                                                        
                    values (true = tape * BSCALE + BZERO)                                                                         
BZERO               Offset applied to true pixel values                                                                           
DATAMIN             Min. data value in the file                                                                                   
DATAMAX             Max. data value in the file                                                                                   
END                 End of FITS header                                                                                            
a Table extension keywords are defined and formated in each file.                                                                 
OCLI (1987).  Infrared Stock Filter Catalog 1987.  Optical Coating Laboratory,                                                    
     Inc., Santa Rosa, California.                                                                                                
Tokunaga, A.T. (1986).  IRTF Photometry Manual.  Institute for Astronomy, Uni-                                                    
     versity of Hawaii, Honolulu.