***** File  CALINFO.TXT                                                       
                    CALIBRATION FILE INFORMATION                              
     This directory contains supplemental data submitted to the P/G-Z archive 
by the Infrared Studies (IRSN) and Spectroscopy (SSN) Networks.               
     Two types of IR data are provided - Filter Tables and Images (non-       
comet).  The filter tables are referred to in some IRSN FITS headers as       
containing the filter information for specific observations (cf. the column   
FLTRTABL in the Table Data records of the observation files and the keyword   
DIS-CODE in the FITS headers of the Filter Tables).  The image data are       
intended to show detector response on various targets taken at times similar  
to the comet observations.                                                    
     For the Spectroscopy files, both 2-dimensional and 1-dimensional data are
provided for the sky and for laboratory comparison lines as reference         
"objects".  The data is usually unreduced but full documentation is provided  
in the FITS headers.                                                          
     The extensions for files of the calibration data, i.e., .TAB, .IMG, and  
.DAT, or for descriptive headers (.HDR and .LBL) follow the IHW filenaming    
conventions.  To reconstruct a genuine FITS (.FIT) file, the header and data  
files for the appropriate observation must be concatenated.                   
     The following table links the Infrared (non-comet) Images and the        
Spectroscopy Calibration files to the appropriate P/G-Z observation files:    
     Filename   Date(UT)  Time(UT   IRSN#    Object                           
                          day fr.)  or SSN#                                   
     IRIM8001   27/06/85   .0       212005   BS 8541                          
     IRIM7001   27/06/85   .438     212006   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7002   27/06/85   .451     212007   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM8002   15/08/85   .0       212011   BS 923                           
     IRIM7004   15/08/85   .405     212012   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM8003   15/08/85   .405     212013   G-Z ref.                         
     IRIM7005   15/08/85   .416     212014   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM8004   15/08/85   .416     212015   G-Z ref.                         
     IRIM7006   15/08/85   .428     212016   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM8005   15/08/85   .428     212017   G-Z ref.                         
     IRIM8006   17/08/85   .0       212018   HD 18881                         
     IRIM7007   17/08/85   .440     212019   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM8007   17/08/85   .440     212020   G-Z ref.                         
     IRIM8008   31/08/85   .0       212048   Beta Peg                         
     IRIM7026   31/08/85   .419     212049   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7027   31/08/85   .423     212050   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7028   31/08/85   .428     212051   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7029   31/08/85   .438     212052   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM8009   11/09/85   .0       212057   BS 923                           
     IRIM7030   11/09/85   .419     212058   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7031   11/09/85   .426     212059   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7032   11/09/85   .439     212060   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7033   11/09/85   .440     212061   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7034   11/09/85   .453     212062   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7035   11/09/85   .464     212063   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7036   11/09/85   .476     212064   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7037   11/09/85   .488     212065   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7038   11/09/85   .488     212066   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7039   11/09/85   .499     212067   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM8010   13/09/85   .0       212070   HD 44612                         
     IRIM8011   13/09/85   .0       212071   Alpha Tau                        
     IRIM7040   13/09/85   .437     212072   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7041   13/09/85   .449     212073   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7042   13/09/85   .546     212074   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7043   13/09/85   .552     212075   P/G-Z                            
     IRIM7044   13/09/85   .556     212076   P/G-Z                            
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -                        
     SPEC7003   19/04/85   .46179   700576   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7004   14/05/85   .40450   700577   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7005   14/05/85   .45488   700578   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7006   15/05/85   .43888   700579   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7007   17/05/85   .38054   700580   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC8001   17/06/85   .35069   700583   Standard star (HD 191854)        
     SPEC7072   17/06/85   .43263   700581   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7073   17/06/85   .45833   700582   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC8002   17/06/85   .47708   700584   Twilight sky                     
     SPEC8003   26/09/85   .09201   700591   Twilight sky                     
     SPEC8004   26/09/85   .09954   700587   Fe-Ar-Ne arc                     
     SPEC8005   26/09/85   .10642   700585   Standard star (BD+17 4708)       
     SPEC8006   26/09/85   .10851   700586   Standard star (BD+17 4708)       
     SPEC8007   26/09/85   .44259   700588   Fe-Ar-Ne arc                     
     SPEC7388   26/09/85   .46076   700589   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC8008   26/09/85   .46910   700590   Night sky                        
     SPEC7313   09/09/85   .45400   700501   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7314   09/09/85   .48690   700502   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7364   12/09/85   .40230   700503   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7365   12/09/85   .40230   700504   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7366   13/09/85   .38890   700505   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC7367   13/09/85   .41270   700506   P/G-Z                            
     SPEC8009   14/12/85   .30370   700507   Solar analog (Van Bueren 142)