***** File ACKNWLDG.TXT This compact disc (CD-ROM) of IHW data on comet P/Giacobini-Zinner is the result of the dedicated efforts of many individuals and institutions. Thanks go, perhaps most obviously, to the astronomers around the world who "joined" the IHW and who contributed their data, much of it in advance of publication. The list of such contributors is much too large to provide here, and in any case would duplicate observer/institution information provided in various indices and FITS headers already contained on the disc. Nonetheless, as a group, it is a pleasure to thank the IHW observers here. The archiving steps following the submission of data by the various IHW Discipline Specialists to the (IHW) Lead Center, and preceding the mastering of the total dataset for deposit on CD-ROM, are what are collectively known as either "CD-ROM data preparation" or, in IHW parlance, "Lead Center Work". Whichever of these terms one cares to use, the following individuals worked long and diligently to produce this disc, and it is fitting to cite them here: M. Aronsson (JPL) E. Grayzeck (UNIV OF MARYLAND AND NASA/GSFC) D. Klinglesmith (NASA/GSFC) A. Warnock (NASA/GSFC) The support of the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) at NASA/GSFC is gratefully acknowledged, in particular that rendered by J. King. It was at the NSSDC's CD-ROM premastering workstation that this disc was assembled, and it was Dr. King who gave his assent to much of our work at NSSDC. We thank the management of the NASA/GSFC Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics (LASP) for allowing the use of generous amounts of magnetic disk space as a "staging area" for (final) file transfer to the NSSDC premastering workstation. Special thanks go to LASP's E. Sullivan, whose voice was instrumental in making these arrangements. The undersigned would like to make special mention of C. Tart, the procurement officer at NASA/GSFC who worked extremely diligently in the contract selection exercise for IHW CD-ROM mastering services. Malcolm B. Niedner, Jr. IHW Discipline Specialist for Large-Scale Phenomena NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center February 11, 1991