PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-05-17 NOTE = "AAREADME for supplementary indices" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Supplementary Indices ===================== This directory contains supplementary indices that a user might find helpful in sorting through the data in this data set. In most cases they have been extracted from the INDEX/ directories of the original HAL_0001-HAL_0018 CDROM volume set. They were largely undocumented, but the INDXINFO.TXT file in this directory (from the HAL_0018 volume) provides some explanation of the meaning of each of the file extensions included. The actual index contents are in the *.IDX files; the *.STR files provide column headings which are often suggestive; the *.HDR files are FITS headers that may contain some additional field descriptions. The index files present are: CALIB.* This table appears to be associating specific observations with the calibration observation used to reduce the data. The first two columns correspond to LSPN file names in this data set (without the extension); the date column can be used to locate the files within the data and calibration directories. EPHEM.* This ephemeris for Comet Halley was actually copied from the HAL_0023 volume, and covers a wider date range than the data in this data set do. An attempt was made to collect the separate ephemeris tables originally supplied with the LSPN data into one file, but numerous formatting errors were discovered - some resulting in truncated numeric values. It was easier to include this table than try to correct the combined tables. (The degree of confidence in this table is high.) LSPNOBS.* This table lists observatories, telescopes and the observers who made use of them to contribute observations to this data set. NETLARGE.* This table, also copied from HAL_0023, lists all observations submitted to the Large-Scale Phenomona Net with a large set of observational parameters and conditions. In addition to the entries for the 1439 observations and 173 calibration observations included in this data set, it has entires for 1771 additional attempted observations which returned null results. These 1771 attempts would have constituted the data contents of the "null results" data set "IHW-C-LSPN-N-NDR-HALLEY-V1.0". NOTE ---- The DOCUMENT/SUMMARY/INDEX/ subdirectory in this data set also contains copies of the NETLARGE.* and EPHEM.* tables that came from the final volume in the LSPN series (HAL_0018). The HAL_0023 volume was prepared a year or two later, and in other respects appears to have fixed some typos, but both versions are included for the industrious users who care to chase down these details.