***** FILE INDXINFO.TXT Index File Information This file contains a description of the index files created for the Quicklook tables and from the P/Giacobini-Zinner printed archive. The Quicklook tables are in this directory, while the printed archive tables are in the PRNTARCH subdirectory below this one. There is also a list of contributing observatories for P/Giacobini-Zinner data. There are fourteen files in this directory (besides this file). The first five (OBSCODES.DBF, OBSCODES.IDX, OBSCODES.HDR, OBSCODES.LBL and OBSCODES.STR) are the database, index and structure files of IHW codes for the contributing observatories. Two (QWIKPRE.IDX and QWIKPOST.IDX) are delimited tables containing the values, in chronological order, of the IHW mandatory keywords for all disciplines. The tables contain information from pre-perihelion and post-perihelion respectively. Two (QWIKPRE.DBF and QWIKPOST.DBF) are dBASE III+ compatible database files, containing no records. Similarly, *.HDR and *.LBL are associated FITS header and PDS label files, respectively. The last file (QWIK.STR) is a structure file describing the fields present in the .IDX files. See the following description of the printed archive tables for more complete details. The PRNTARCH subdirectory contains all of the printed archive index tables. Some disciplines have more than one kind of table in the printed archive, corresponding to the different subnetworks. Each of the distinct types of table included in the printed archive have been translated into a machine readable index file in this directory. There are six types of files in the PRNTARCH subdirectory, distinguished by the extensions on the file names. The filenames themselves identify the discipline and subnet which was used to produce each index. The types of files are: *.HDR - These are complete FITS headers for the data tables. A fully-qualified FITS table may be created from the data table by appending the .IDX file to the associated .HDR file, then adjusting the length of the resulting file with the program FITSXTND. *.LBL - These are PDS labels describing the data tables. They already contain pointers to the data tables, so no further steps are required to make them accessible to PDS table-processing software. *.DBF - These are dBASE III+ compatible database files. They do not contain any data records, only the structure of the corresponding database. The data records may be appended from the data tables (in the .IDX files). Many database management systems can import databases from .DBF files. *.IDX - These files contain the actual data records from each table. They are delimited tables. Numeric fields are delimited by commas (,) and ASCII text fields are contained in quotes (") and also delimited with commas. Each line ends with the characters (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the tables are fixed width to facilitate their use in that format, as well. These files may be appended to the end of an empty database structure to create the full index database. *.STR - These are "structure" files. They contain information, in delimited format, on the number, names and widths of the fields in each database. They can used by dBASE III for creating the printed archive index tables, and also document the structure of each table. There is one additional file (STRUCT.DBF) in this subdirectory. This is the database used to create all the other databases. It consists of 4 fields, FIELD_NAME, FIELD_TYPE, FIELD_LEN and FIELD_DEC, which document the structure of the index tables. When the appropriate .STR file is appended to this structure database, dBASE III+ can create the corresponding printed archive index database.