PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 2880 FILE_RECORDS = 47 DATA_FORMAT = FITS DESCRIPTION = " During the cruise from Jupiter to Pluto, an attempt was made to create a flatfield correction image by scanning a bright star along the length of the Alice slit at several offset positions across the width of the slit. Due to the relatively large size of the pointing dead band used by the New Horizons spacecraft during this observation, as compared to the width of the Alice slit, this attempt was unsuccessful. As such, no flatfield correction is applied to the data by the Alice calibration pipeline, and the current flatfield file is merely a placeholder with a value of 1.0 everywhere. In practice, true pixel-to-pixel variations in instrument sensitivity are relatively minor and are dominated by the odd-even row effect. This effect is caused by a non-linear detector response that occasionally causes the physical location of charge pulses on the detector anode to be erroneously mapped into an adjacent row in data space. This causes the odd rows of the detector to appear to be less sensitive than even rows. The overall number of counts is conserved, but an event that should be mapped to an odd row in data space may end up being mapped to an adjacent even row. The magnitude of this effect varies, in a complex manner, depending on the exact two-dimensional pattern of flux on the detector, and no attempt is made to correct for it in the automated data processing pipeline. " ^HEADER = ("PA_FLAT_000.FIT",1) ^IMAGE = ("PA_FLAT_000.FIT",2) MISSION_NAME = "NEW HORIZONS KUIPER BELT EXTENDED MISSION" DATA_SET_ID = "NH-A-ALICE-2-KEM1-V4.0" PRODUCT_ID = "PA_FLAT_000" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2007-04-23T14:42:25 START_TIME = "N/A" STOP_TIME = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "ALICE ULTRAVIOLET IMAGING SPECTROGRAPH" INSTRUMENT_ID = "ALICE" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "NEW HORIZONS" OBJECT = HEADER BYTES = 2880 HEADER_TYPE = FITS INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII RECORDS = 1 DESCRIPTION = "FITS header for LEISA calibration file" END_OBJECT = HEADER OBJECT = IMAGE LINE_SAMPLES = 1024 LINES = 32 SAMPLE_BITS = 32 SAMPLE_TYPE = IEEE_REAL INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY AXIS_ORDER_TYPE = FIRST_INDEX_FASTEST LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION = UP SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION = RIGHT END_OBJECT = IMAGE END