PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 20141031 SwRI:BTCarcich - added Notes about calibration formula and calibration file maps 20160905 SwRI:BTCarcich - added Solar spectrum 20161025 SwRI:BTCarcich - moved Solar spectrum to document/ 20220520 SwRI:JRedfern -updated calinfo for delivery past 20160331 " RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2022-09-01 NOTE = "Description of the contents of the calib dir." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ######################################################################## ### N.B. A description of the calibration procedure is in the ### SOC Instrument Interface Control Document in the ### /DOCUMENT/ directory of this archive ######################################################################## Notes: The [deliv_20160331] directory contains calibration files for the KEM1, KEMCRUISE1, and PLUTO mission phases. Other directories contain earlier calibration versions, based primarily on MET as described below. As of 2014-10-31, all in-flight observations have METs greater than 0005257679, the MET of the earliest calibration directory, so the default/ and initial/ directory calibration files are never used. As of 2014-10-31, the errormap calibration files contain all zeroes in their first band, and the other band are not used in the calibration. So all pixels in the error map extension are zero. As of 2014-10-31, there are no rollover maps, and the default rollover scheme is used (subtract 4096 from raw values greater than 3850). As of 2014-10-31, all calibration file maps, except for the electronics induced readout signal map elecmap.fit, are copied into one of the extensions of the calibrated data output file. As of deliv_20160331 the gain map includes the aOmega, W and gCorr terms. Pre deliv_20160331 the per-pixel calibration formula is C = (((S - E ) / F ) - O ) * G / (I * W * aOmega * gCorr) i i i i i i i As of deliv_20160331 the per-pixel calibration formula is C = (((S - E ) / F ) - O ) * G / I i i i i i i Where i is the pixel index subscript, indicating the operation is per-pixel - that is, all quantities with a subscript i in the formula above refer to a pixel (LINE,LINE_SAMPLE) from one of the following: - the raw image input pixel (S), all bands - the corresponding calibrated image output pixel (O), all bands - the corresponding pixel from one of the calibration file maps - All image, and all map dimensions are [256,256] or [256,256,N] where N refers to the number of image bands (PDS) or planes (FITS) - PDS bands are numbered from one to N - FITS image planes are numbered from zero to (N-1) - PDS band 1 is the same as FITS plane 0 - PDS band N is the same as FITS plane (N-1) C is the calibrated output pixel value, erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom/sr S is the raw input pixel value, after correcting for rollover E is the electronics induced readout signal map pixel value, elecmap F is the flat field map pixel value, flatmap.fit O is the offset map pixel value, calmap.fit, second band G is the gain map pixel value, calmap.fit, first band gCorr = 0.25, gain correction factor I is the integration time, seconds W is the wavelength width map pixel value, wavemap.fit, second band aOmega = 0.004*0.004*PI/((2*8.6)*(2*8.6)), pixel solid angle Where raw data values are less than the dark current, the photon noise is set to -9998. [calib] Directory containing calibration files for LEISA data. | +-- [0005257679] directory for use after MET 0005257679 | | | +-- anglemap.fit FOV pointing vector for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- calmap.fit gain and offset for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- elecmap.fit offset value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- errormap_v0.fit baseline array for storing of signal error values | +-- flatmap.fit flatfield value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- pixelmap.fit file containing map of LEISA bad pixels | +-- wavemap.fit center wavelength and filter width of each LEISA pixel | +-- [0019690000] directory for use after MET 0019690000 | | | +-- anglemap.fit FOV pointing vector for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- calmap.fit gain and offset for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- elecmap.fit offset value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- errormap_v0.fit baseline array for storing of signal error values | +-- flatmap.fit flatfield value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- pixelmap.fit file containing map of LEISA bad pixels | +-- wavemap.fit center wavelength and filter width of each LEISA pixel | +-- [0030594839] directory for use after MET 0030594839 | | | +-- anglemap.fit FOV pointing vector for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- calmap.fit gain and offset for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- elecmap.fit offset value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- errormap_v0.fit baseline array for storing of signal error values | +-- flatmap.fit flatfield value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- pixelmap.fit file containing map of LEISA bad pixels | +-- wavemap.fit center wavelength and filter width of each LEISA pixel | +-- calinfo.txt This file | +-- [default] Default cal files for LEISA, if MET or initial files missing | | | +-- anglemap.fit FOV pointing vector for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- calmap.fit gain and offset for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- elecmap.fit offset value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- errormap_v3.fit baseline array for storing of signal error values | +-- flatmap.fit flatfield value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- pixelmap.fit file containing map of LEISA bad pixels | +-- wavemap.fit center wavelength and filter width of each LEISA pixel | +-- [deliv_20160331] Cal files for LEISA, for Pluto data and later. | | | +-- anglemap.fit FOV pointing vector for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- bondjointflaringmaskmap.fit Map of LEISA pixels in flaring region | +-- calmap.fit gain and offset for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- elecmap.fit offset value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- flatmap.fit flatfield value for each pixel in the LEISA array | +-- pixelmap.fit file containing map of LEISA bad pixels | +-- wavemap.fit center wavelength and filter width of each LEISA pixel | +-- [initial] directory for use from launch until MET 0005257679 pre-flight | +-- anglemap.fit FOV pointing vector for each pixel in the LEISA array +-- calmap.fit gain and offset for each pixel in the LEISA array +-- elecmap.fit offset value for each pixel in the LEISA array +-- errormap_v3.fit baseline array for storing of signal error values +-- flatmap.fit flatfield value for each pixel in the LEISA array +-- pixelmap.fit file containing map of LEISA bad pixels +-- wavemap.fit center wavelength and filter width of each LEISA pixel