PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2014-08-23 SwRI:BTCarcich Updated from comments in PDS peer review on 2014-08-19. 2016-06 SwRI:BTCarcich Updated from comments in PDS peer review in 2016-05 2017-02-15 SwRI:TFinley Updated contact info and comments from PDS peer review 2016-12-05 2018-06-28 SOC: TFinley Cleaned up for KC1, removed references to samples, old aareadme files " OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-10-18 NOTE = "The NH SDC KEM1 ENCOUNTER Raw VERSION 2.0 Data Archive Be sure to read the Required Reading note below before using the data in this archive. " END_OBJECT = TEXT END The NH SDC KEM1 Raw VERSION 2.0 Data Archive ======================================================================== Table of Contents ================= Introduction Required Reading Volume Format File Formats Volume Contents Whom to Contact for Information Introduction ============ Extensive preparation is necessary to properly understand and interpret the data in this data set. Very little data set-specific detail is provided here; this file is only intended as a brief introduction to the volume structure of the files in this data set. Refer to the Required Reading section below for further guidance. Science data content ==================== This document is a volume structure overview of the New Horizons (NH) SDC KEM1 Raw VERSION 2.0 Flight Data Archive. Boilerplate disclaimer ====================== All NH Raw and Calibrated data sets were generated in similar fashion by an automated pipeline; as such, all of the information that follows is boilerplate common to all such NH data sets, with pointers to locations in this data set where more information can be found. Refer to the data set catalog (CATALOG/DATASET.CAT) and documentation (DOCUMENT/), as well as the Required Reading referred to below, plus the files pointed to, for information specific to the instrument and data of this data set. Required Reading ================ Almost all of the New Horizons instruments have complex modes of operation and complex, multi-part data products; users who want to properly understand these data should expect to spend significant effort reading about and researching the instrument, the data and the PDS product formats. The instrument catalog file and associated references, and the SOC to Instrument ICD are good starting points. Volume Format ============= This volume has been formatted according to the PDS Standards Reference 3.8 version current as of the publication date of this data set. File Formats ============ All text documents and other meta information files such as descriptions, PDS object definitions and detached PDS labels are stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of the record. This allows the files to be read by most current operating systems. Data are provided in FITS format with detached PDS labels. Volume Contents =============== Files on this volume are organized into a set of sub-directories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the general structure and content of these directories, but does not exhaustively list every file in each directory. See the *INFO.TXT files in each top-level sub-directory for specific information about the files under that directory. In this table, directory names are surrounded by forward slashes (/), and the top-level of the volume is indicated by a single forward slash. Refer to the data set catalog (CATALOG/DATASET.CAT) for a description of the DATA/ sub-directory naming conventions, data filenames and product IDs. / Top level of volume | +-- AAREADME.TXT The AAREADME file; a backup is in /DOCUMENT/ | +--/CALIB/ Top-level directory containing calibration files | | | +-- CALINFO.TXT Description of files in the CALIB directory | +-- *.* Calibration files | |--/CATALOG/ Directory containing PDS catalog objects. | | | +-- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in the CATALOG directory. | +-- *.* Catalog files | +--/DATA/ Top-level data directory | | | +--/YYYYMMDD_MET/ Sub-directories of /DATA/ containing data files | | | +-- *.LBL Data product PDS labels | +-- *.FIT Data product data files (FITS format) | +--/DOCUMENT/ Directory containing dataset-related documents. | | | +-- DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in the DOCUMENT directory. | +-- *.* Documentation files | | | +-- /*/ Additional documentation sub-directories | | - Not present in all data sets | | | +-- *.* Additional documentation files | +-- ERRATA.TXT Documentation of errors discovered post-delivery | - ERRATA.TXT is not present in all data sets | +--/INDEX/ Directory containing index files. | | | +-- INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in the INDEX directory | +-- *.* Index files and labels | +-- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the logical contents of this volume. Whom to Contact for Information =============================== New Horizons SDC Principal Investigator: Mihaly Horanyi Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80302-0392 USA New Horizons Science Operations Center (SOC): Jillian Redfern Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Department of Space Operations 1050 Walnut Street, Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 USA