Liens list from the 2023-01-22 Peer Review of the New Horizons KEM2 K6 delivery =============================================== NOTE: (1) Comments below are from pre-review correspondence, and liens from the 2024-01-22 peer review. Items to address from deliveries prior to K6 are included below as reminders to resolve now or in K7, as appropriate. (2) For reference, the original presentations can be found here: =============================================== Datasets Validated: NH-A-LEISA-2-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-LEISA-3-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-LORRI-2-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-LORRI-3-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-PEPSSI-2-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-PEPSSI-3-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-SDC-2-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-SDC-3-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-SWAP-2-KEM2-V1.0 NH-A-SWAP-3-KEM2-V1.0 =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) file: 'aareadme.txt' --> OHP 1/22: The "Science data content" and "Boilerplate disclaimer" sections are not found in the "Table of Contents". --> CS 1/22: In the Volume Contents section, it is says "The AAREADME file; a backup is in /DOCUMENT/". But a backup in the document directory is no longer true. Please correct. file: 'catalog/' --> The Mission Overview section and Mission Design section may need to be updated to reflect the change from KEM1 to KEM2. I do see that some of the language was changed to past tense in these sections. --> --> NH-JP: A new "KEM2 Cruise" section was added in the file describing the continuing and new objectives of this continuation of the extended mission. --> --> SBN-TB 11/3: The "Formal mission phase name" matches that of the MISSION_NAME, which is different from the MISSION_PHASE_NAME. But if this correct, I think we can leave it alone. file: 'document/soc_inst_icd.pdf' --> SB 1/22: There is a discrepancy between what the ICD says is in the raw FITS files and what is actually is there. --> --> SBN 1/22: Please add to Table-1 the optional WINDOW_MISMATCHES extension. --> --> SBN-TB 1/22: Also I do not see discussion of this optional extension in the LORRI section, but do in the MVIC. Should it be in the LORRI as well? --> SJ 1/22: The PEPSSI chapter of the soc_icd should be updated at some point to more completely describe the operational consequences of the FSW 5 update. (SBN-TB: See section 11.3.6 in particular) --> SBN-TB 1/22: section 14.4.6 has a minor typo "August 9,2021". Note missing space after comma. =============================================== Errors unique to: LEISA Review Status: CERTIFIED, with minor liens. file: 'catalog/' --> OHP 1/22: typo "winow" => "window" file: 'document/seq_leisa_kem2.*' --> SBN-AR/TB 1/22: So long as the data table is empty, these files should be removed from the archive. Do not forget to update the DOCINFO.TXT file. May consider adding a note to this file about the cause for this file being absent. =============================================== Errors unique to: LORRI Review Status: CERTIFIED, with minor liens. file: 'catalog/' --> SBN-TB 11/3: Thank you for adding two new descriptions regarding the superseded KEM1 files. But in the Version section, can you change the text "previous (KEM1) mission phase" to also specify the DATA_SET_ID(s). I believe those are NH-A-LORRI-2-KEM1-V6.0 and NH-A-LORRI-3-KEM1-V6.0. files: 'nh-a-lorri-2-kem2-v1.0/data/*/*.lbl' --> EN-RC 1/22: For the COLUMNs with DESCRIPTION that describe what a value of -999 means, add INVALID_CONSTANT = -999 --> --> SBN-TB 1/23: This appears to be the case for the EXTENSION_WINDOW_MISMATCHES_TABLE. In the TABLE DESCRIPTION it describes the situation of -999 values and what they mean. Assuming INVALID_CONSTANT is the correct keyword, please add for the following columns that mention -999 in their DESCRIPTIONs: MMNAXIS1OFFSET (col1), MMNAXIS2OFFSET (col2), and any other relevant column. files: 'document/thumbnails/thumbnails.lbl' --> EN-RC 1/22: Please change DOCUMENT_FORMAT = JPEG to DOCUMENT_FORMAT = JPG since the latter has been the standard value for a long time. file: 'document/superseded_files_*' --> SBN-TB 11/3: The third column NAME = OLD_PRODUCT_ID, but should be "NEW_PRODUCT_ID". --> SBN-TB 11/3: The table file needs to have all end of line characters match carriage return line feed ("\r\n"). The label is correct assuming make this fix (correct record length, etc.). --> SBN-TB 11/3: The filename cannot have a dash in it. I suggest you change the dash to an underscore. Don't forget to update the DOCINFO.TXT and DATASET.CAT files. file: 'document/seq_lorri_kem2.*' --> SBN-AR/TB 1/22: So long as the data table is empty, these files should be removed from the archive. Do not forget to update the DOCINFO.TXT file. May consider adding a note to this file about the cause for this file being absent. file: 'document/soc_inst_icd.pdf' (LIEN from K5) --> There is mention of two new ApIDs 0x63C/D for co-added LORRI data in the DS.CAT file, but they are not mentioned in the ICD. This may not be a concern at this stage, but I mention it as an issue that might come up. --> --> 9/15 [BLE] It would be great if we could hold these ICD updates off until the next release, when there is actual data for the new ApIDs. So far, the ICD has NOT been updated yet. --> --> SBN-TB: This is probably fine at this stage. --> --> NH-JP 3/10: No action needed yet. None taken. --> --> SBN-TB 3/15: Accepted. Keeping note for K6 delivery follow up. --> --> SBN-TB 8/3: I see no updates, but I also see none of the new ApIDs being used in the current data set. --> --> NH-JP: Correct, the new ApID data are not in this dateset, so will defer to K7. =============================================== Errors unique to: MVIC Review Status: N/A, not under review. file: 'document/soc_inst_icd.pdf' (LIEN from K5) --> There is mention of two new ApIDs 0x54e/f for co-added MVIC data in the DS.CAT file, but they are not mentioned in the ICD. Should they be? --> --> 9/15 [BLE] Ditto with above comment. Hopefully we can hold the ICD updates off for a while until we know exactly what the PDS updates will look like. Note – the real issue here is that the FITS header info (and therefore the labels) for post-FSW FITS files may need to include more info, and that will affect (probably) how we describe the co-adding process within the ICD. We don’t have all those answers yet. I’ll keep working this with LORRI, Howard, and Carly. --> --> SBN-TB: This is probably fine at this stage. --> --> NH-JP 3/10: No action needed yet. None taken. --> --> SBN-TB 3/15: Accepted. Keeping note for K6 delivery follow up. --> --> NH-JP: Correct, the new ApID data are not in this dateset (no MVIC data at all), so will defer to K7. =============================================== Errors unique to: PEPSSI Review Status: CERTIFIED, with minor liens. file: 'nh-a-pepssi-3-kem2-v1.0/calib/calpars' --> RF 1/22: Should the MISSION_NAME be changed to "NEW HORIZONS KUIPER BELT EXTENDED MISSION 2"? --> --> SBN-TB 1/22: Should this change be for all *.tab files in this directory? Is MISSION_NAME an appropriate keyword for these files? files: 'nh-a-pepssi-3-kem2-v1.0/data/*/*.fits' --> RF 1/22 (slides 11-16): Evaluate Low Ion TOF band for pixel 15. --> --> SBN-TB 1/22: For the FSW5 affected data, the Quick Look Spectrograms for the Low Ions Box15 range do not appear to be correct. The minimum value of 2.723 is not expected. The team should investigate this and update their related documentation regarding this. If the data is wrong, please document in the DS.CAT (and data labels?) and correct in a future delivery. In either event do not update the FITS files at this time. file: 'catalog/' --> SBN-TB 11/3: Please include mention of the 13 superseded products in the version history section. Similar to LORRI, also please include the DATA_SET_IDs: NH-A-PEPSSI-2-KEM1-V6.0 and NH-A-PEPSSI-3-KEM1-V6.0. files: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> EN-RC 1/22: The data files (ex: nh-a-pepssi-3-kem2-v1.0/data/20220407_051159/pep_0511595516_0x691_sci.lbl) have many values of -1e38 for Mass_Number. Suggestion: add INVALID_CONSTANT or MISSING_CONSTANT to that COLUMN. Please add any other such keywords to other columns as appropriate. file: 'document/' --> RF 1/22 (slide 6): There are several instances where the start/stop_times are the same: 2007-022T21:00:00.0000, 2007-040T09:00:00.0000, 2007-144T13:03:00.0000, 2015-212T00:40:00.0000, 2015-212T00:40:00.0000, 2015-213T06:45:00.0000, 2015-213T06:45:00.0000 --> --> SBN-TB 1/22: Please investigate and fix as appropriate. If okay, should a note be made? file: 'document/superseded_files_*' --> SBN-TB 11/3: The third column NAME = OLD_PRODUCT_ID, but should be "NEW_PRODUCT_ID". --> SBN-TB 11/3: The table file needs to have all end of line characters match carriage return line feed ("\r\n"). The label is correct assuming make this fix (correct record length, etc.). --> SBN-TB 11/3: The filename cannot have a dash in it. I suggest you change the dash to an underscore. Don't forget to update the DOCINFO.TXT and DATASET.CAT files. file: 'document/' --> SBN-TB 11/3: Note that this file is different from the one in the K5 archived data set. Please confirm if correct or fix if not. --> --> lines 819-829 have a subtle change in column two of "20293" to "20298" --> --> 55 additional lines added at the end of the file. This is expected. =============================================== Errors unique to: SDC Review Status: NOT CERTIFIED, required delta review to sort out the possible data issues discovered. file: 'catalog/' --> DM 1/22 (slide 13/15): Fluxes systematically dissimilar across the sensor. Channels 1-7 have ~600 counts / year each. Channels 8-14 have ~450 counts / year each. Calibration channels get more hits than valid channels. --> --> SBN 1/22: These artifacts are known. Please add a brief note in the DS.CAT in the CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE about these differences and then point to where more details can be found (within data set or cited paper). files: 'data/*/*' --> JS 1/22 (slide 21): This data set appears to overlap with the K5 delivery. Please confirm that we are not overwriting or duplicating data. --> --> SBN-TB: Of note, there were no superseded data discovered (but should be double checked). An overlap of overall time range is possible if the spacecraft downlinked KEM1 data during KEM2, and this does not necessarily mean duplication of data, just filling in gaps in KEM1. files: 'nh-a-sdc-2-kem2-v1.0/data/*/*' --> JS 1/22 (slide 4): The temperature data appears to be oscillating. Is this a physical value or data issue? --> --> NH-AD 1/22: This appears to line up with the hibernation phase. I'm going to investigate this more thoroughly. --> --> JS 1/22: There appears to be a correlation between the temperature and counts. --> --> NH-BE 1/22: With the switch from the KEM1 to KEM2 data, some things had be done with the housekeeping that may be causing this. Will investigate. --> --> RF 1/22: There also appears to be a similar temperature oscillation for PEPSSI too. --> JS 1/22 (slide 5): Voltage values didn’t appear correct. Example: cdh_sdc_p2_5_adc_volt had all values of 223 (byte) --> --> Alex 1/22: The byte-value may not being converted to voltage correctly? --> DM 1/22 (slide 7): Why are most of the housekeeping data extensions empty? Expected to see housekeeping data. --> --> NH-BE: Expected for most THRUSTERS data to not exist, but not the rest of the HK data. Will investigate if the missing HK data exists and if so resolve why it wasn't included. files: 'nh-a-sdc-3-kem2-v1.0/data/*/*' --> JS 1/22 (slides 17/19): Compared to prior reviews all channels look different, many more counts. Why? --> DM 1/22 (slide 13/14): There is a high density of 'coincidence' extra counts at the start and end of the data set. Please investigate. directory: 'document/' (??) --> DM 1/22 (slide 6): Some gaps in provided documentation: --> --> Could not easily find detector #’s (e.g. which one is #1?). --> --> Could not easily find mounting location of reference detectors. Were they on the backside of a support panel? Which support panel? --> --> Data flags not clear: two different ‘OK’ Flags present for Coincidence Flag --> --> SBN-TB: If not in the provided documentation, please add. Is there such discussion in the cited papers? =============================================== Errors unique to: SWAP Review Status: CERTIFIED, with minor liens. file: 'catalog/' --> SBN-TB 11/3: Please include mention of the 6 superseded products in the version history section (for raw only). Similar to LORRI, also please include the DATA_SET_IDs: NH-A-SWAP-2-KEM1-V6.0 and NH-A-SWAP-3-KEM1-V6.0. files: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> EN-RC 1/22: Many data files (ex: nh-a-swap-3-kem2-v1.0/data/20230309_054063/swa_0540632736_0x586_sci.lbl ) has many values of -1000000.0 for various columns. Suggestion: add INVALID_CONSTANT or MISSING_CONSTANT to that COLUMN. Please add any other such keywords to other columns as appropriate for other escape values. file: 'document/docinfo.txt' --> RF 1/22: Please update the DATA_SUMMARY_PLOTS/* area to make it more clear about the subdirectories of this subdirectory. directory: 'document/data_summary_plots/' --> SBN-TB 11/3: Minor point, but please update the PUBLICATION_DATE in each label. --> SBN-TB 11/3: Please note that the annual plots do not follow the same filename structure as described in the label. The DESCRIPTION in the data_summary_1annual.lbl should be updated. file: 'document/' --> SBN-TB 11/3: Note that this file is different from the one in the K5 archived data set. Please confirm if correct or fix if not. --> --> lines 817,824,827 have a subtle change in column two of "20293" to "20298" or visa versa. --> --> 44 additional lines added at the end of the file. This is expected. file: 'nh-a-swap-2-kem2-v1/document/superseded_files_*' --> SBN-TB 11/3: The third column NAME = OLD_PRODUCT_ID, but should be "NEW_PRODUCT_ID". --> SBN-TB 11/3: The table file needs to have all end of line characters match carriage return line feed ("\r\n"). The label is correct assuming make this fix (correct record length, etc.). --> SBN-TB 11/3: The filename cannot have a dash in it. I suggest you change the dash to an underscore. Don't forget to update the DOCINFO.TXT and DATASET.CAT files.