PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Known anomalies concerning this LORRI data set" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-05-24 END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file describes known anomalies concerning this LORRI data set as of 24 May 2017. Keywords in the Primary FITS Header and Label Target Names ============ - The LORRI dataset includes observations of the KBO / Plutino 1994 JR1, taken on 02 November 2015. The TARGET_NAME in the label, and the TARGET keyword in the FITS header, was set to Pluto. The Target is also used as an input in the SPICE calculations, and therefore all SPICE calculations given are relative to Pluto as opposed to 1994 JR1. The TARGET_NAME and TARGET values should be 15810 ARAWN (1994 JR1). This issue has been corrected in the next Version 3.0 of this dataset.