PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-03-31 NOTE = "DATA/TNF/ directory contents " END_OBJECT = TEXT END REX PLUTO DATA Directory Contents The DATA directory contains data products. For REX PLUTO data, there are two types of data products: * REX Instrument data PDS-labeled data products containing the results of data take by the REX instrument on board the New Horizons (NH) spacecraft, telemetered to Earth, and converted to data files by the Science Operations Center (SOC) processing pipeline. * DSN Uplink data PDS-labeled data products containing the profiles of uplink data signals sent from the Deep Space Network (DSN) to the NH spacecraft and received by the REX instrument. N.B. DSN Uplink data are only provided for Pluto and Charon occultation observations taken on 2015-07-14; all other REX observations are instrument functional tests or characterizations or calibrations, and do not require the uplink data for analysis. The diagram below describes the data directory layout in this data set. /DATA/ | +->20YYMMDD_SSSSS/ Directories leading to REX instrument data | | | +->rex_*.lbl PDS label file for REX instrument data | +->rex_*.fit Data file containing REX instrument data | +->TNF/ Directory leading to Deep Space Network (DSN) | Uplink Tracking and Navigation Files (TNF; | TRK-2-34), containing Tracking System Data | +->*.lbl Data label for TNFs' content | +->*.tnf TNFs content; DSN Uplink profile data | | +->*_ufile_dss%.lbl Data label for ASCII TABLE summary of | TNF contents. * = filename prefix; | dss%% = Deep Space Station (DSS) | identifier | +->*_ufile_dss%.tab ASCII TABLE summary of TNFs' content