This document contains the high-level overview of the DRACO Derived Data Collection. This collection consists of DRACO image backplanes. The Level-4 derived DRACO image with geometry backplanes format is a single HDU, 16-plane, 1024 (sample) x 1024 (line), 32-bit floating point FITS file. The first plane of the FITS file contains the calibrated image for which the backplanes are derived. These derived data products are generated only for Final phase images (those acquired in the final ~4 minutes before impact). Valid backplane values are generated only for pixels that intercept the surface of Dimorphos or Didymos. Pixels that intercept space are set to -999 (see GEOINVAL keyword). Pixels outside of the original 512 x 512 image (window 2) retain their PXOUTWIN (fits keyword) or (XML keyword) values. The metadata associated with these Level-4 derived products and mapping to class and attribute in the PDS4 XML label structure is listed in jhuapl_dart_draco_uncalibrated_calibrated_sis_v3.