DART Shapemodel Liens (post delta review) ========================================= Note: This collection was not certified owing to our reviewers' discovery of flaws in the products dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_dtm_0884s26430_v003.fits and dimorphos_l_0050mm_spc_dtm_0896s25122_v004.fits, which had questionable values for SIGMA and QUALITY planes. All other products are CERTIFIED. Minor liens are described below a more detailed description of this issue. The "local" shapemodel/terran products are NOT CERTIFIED by the PDS. A problem was found with the SIGMA and QUALITY planes in the following two FITS files only. The team says that "the shape information is not touched by these other values in our process of generating the topography or the fits files and would not alter how a user would use the data." The team is currently looking into the matter and should be able to quickly resolve it. The following products/files may be affected: --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003/dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_dtm_0884s26430_v003.fits --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003/dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_dtm_0884s26430_v003.xml --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003/dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_obj_0884s26430_v003.obj --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003/dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_obj_0884s26430_v003.xml --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004/dimorphos_l_0050mm_spc_dtm_0896s25122_v004.fits --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004/dimorphos_l_0050mm_spc_dtm_0896s25122_v004.xml --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004/dimorphos_l_0050mm_spc_obj_0896s25122_v004.obj --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004/dimorphos_l_0050mm_spc_obj_0896s25122_v004.xml The Didymos OBJ files are Missing GSD information as described in 5.2.2 of the SIS. It currently says: """#GSD = TBD \ [mm] grid spacing in units/pixel" for the following files: --> data_derived_didymos_model_v003/didymos_g_1165mm_spc_obj_0000n00000_v003.obj --> data_derived_didymos_model_v003/didymos_g_2329mm_spc_obj_0000n00000_v003.obj --> data_derived_didymos_model_v003/didymos_g_4657mm_spc_obj_0000n00000_v003.obj --> data_derived_didymos_model_v003/didymos_g_9309mm_spc_obj_0000n00000_v003.obj There is a filename schema mismatch between the text in the overview*.txt documents, SIS, and some the data product file names. In some places five digits are used in the filename to express the millimeters, but only a a handful files actually do this. Please fix the following: --> In the overview*.txt documents and SIS (section 4.3.4), it says that "The Ground Sample Distance (resolution) is five digits expressed in millimeters (mm)". Change to say "four". The example provided already uses four digits. --> The following files should be renamed: --> --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003/dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_dtm_0884s26430_v003.fits --> --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003/dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_dtm_0884s26430_v003.xml --> --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003/dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_obj_0884s26430_v003.obj --> --> data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003/dimorphos_l_00050mm_spc_obj_0884s26430_v003.xml --> Alternatively, please update the SIS and overview documents to reflect that it may be four or five, or that the local models may have four or five. file: 'readme.txt' --> There is a lot more in this file than expected, though that is not necessarily a problem. This file generally should give the reader a high-level overview of the bundle contents and structure (collections, not directory structure). It would be best to add this to this file. You can find a very terse version of what is missing in this DART example: https://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/holdings/pds4-dart-v2.0/readme.txt --> Similar to the SIS error below, there is mention of a document that does not exist in any DART archive: "DART Coordinate System for Didymos and Dimorphos". There are two similar documents to consider referencing instead: --> --> Didymos Coordinate System: urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_draco:didymos_coordinate_system_description::1.0 - https://doi.org/10.26007/30x0-fv64 --> --> Dimorphos Coordinate System: urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_draco:dimorphos_coordinate_system_description::2.0 - https://doi.org/10.26007/7312-sc96 file: 'document/dart_shapemodel_sis.pdf' --> Section 2: May want to up date the #4 Dimorphos Coordinate System Description document from saying "Aug 7, 2023" to the more current version from Oct 2023. Also DOIs are available for these: --> --> --> Didymos Coordinate System: urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_draco:didymos_coordinate_system_description::1.0 - https://doi.org/10.26007/30x0-fv64 --> --> --> Dimorphos Coordinate System: urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_draco:dimorphos_coordinate_system_description::2.0 - https://doi.org/10.26007/7312-sc96 --> Sections 4.3.7 and 5.2.4 says the coordinate systems can be found in the (note singlar, not plural) document "DART Coordinate System Description", but such a document does not exist in the the dart/document_draco or the dart_shapemodel/document collection. There are two documents, with a similar title "[Didymos|Dimorphos] Coordinate System Description". In section 2, these two documents are correctly referenced, so maybe just need an update here. --> --> Section 4.3.7 also says that the document(s) are in archive documents directory, but what/where is that? Use DOIs, or rely on user connecting these documents with what is mentioned in section 2? --> section 4.3.5 states this archive conforms to PDS 1.4 IM - BUT 1.20.0 is used in the labels. --> --> Thank you for fixing this from 1.7 IM to 1.4, but in the most recent delivery everything was updated to the 1.20 IM. Agh! --> section 5.1 currently says that the "Data are divided within the collections by product type" but this prior division in the directory structure was removed (from both the collections and the SIS). --> Please update TARGET in Table 4 to'DIDYMOS'/'DIMORPHOS'