MRO Raw, Calibrated, Derived Data and Documentation Liens ========================================================= Documentation ============= --> Now that DART is done, some “will” in the documents should be changed to properly reflect that. file: collection_data_mroddp_overview.txt --> Discusses absolute magnitude calibration, but this is never done in the data, so that discussion could be removed. Simply state that the measurements are given as relative instrumental magnitudes. file: *_overview.txt --> Reference the sis file in the *_overview.txt --> What was the standard of picking the image quality? Are the observation conditions recorded somewhere? file: collection_data_mroraw_overview.txt --> Mention that the pngs are called comp_yymmdd.png file: mro_2p4m_dart_pds_sis.pdf --> "All lightcurve observations of Didymos will obtained with a Bessell R-band filter" will be obtained. --> "The MRO data collections will be stored in a directory tree organized by collection, then by date of observation.." remove "." XML Labels ========== file: '*/collection*.xml' --> Please add an internal reference to the overview document. --> Please rename the s. Please remove commas and "Telescopic Observations", and consider including the instrument and target. --> --> Suggest adding Photometry to the DDP <title> to describe the kind of derived data present (or just replace the word derived) --> For the calibrated data collection, the target Didymos or Didymos system are not mentioned in the <description> of this collection. Shouldn't that be mentioned, especially if the raw and derived data collections do? --> Consider making the collection.xml internal reference to the overview document a LIDVID reference instead of LID reference. This is due to newer versions of an overview document being pointed to by an older version of the collection when the newer version overview document may not correctly apply to it. file: 'document_mro/collection_document_mro.csv' --> The first LID listed has the wrong collection ID. Please fix "mro_doc" to be "document_mro: urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:document_mro:mro_2p4m_dart_pds_sis::1.0 Data ==== --> What is difference between DidymosR and DidycompsR in object keyword? They look the same and have same header info. --> Comp star images are not included in the photometry table --> Discrepancy in number of each in raw vs calibrated. – Image m230128.0179 is “didymosR” in raw data – Image fm230128.0179 is “didycompsR” in calibrated data – Image (via JD midtime) is not included in the photometry table Does this matter? Does one or the other need changed or documented? Photometry --> Is it possible to include a table(s) of the instrumental mags of comp stars as well? If someone wanted to calibrate the lightcurves to absolute magnitudes, they would need these values. --> the label just states Target magnitude. It is not specified whether this is the 'absolute' magnitude or relative magnitue. --> What is the .file xxx_tab_bad This is not mentioned in the overview text. --> The SBN strongly encourages the use of the <field_format> keyword for all fields in a table. Please add these. --> Note: Aside from the exposure mid-time, I saw no way to link which calibrated products were used to produce the photometry tables. This was done for the other telescopes using filename, but LIDVID would be better. file: 'data_mroddp/mro_221011/mro_221011_didymos_photometry.tab_bad' --> Remove this file. It is not referenced and does not have a label appears to be have been in error in delivering. EN Review ========= urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_mroraw mro_230211/comps_230211.png mro_230217/comps_230217.png mro_230225/comps_230225.png - Somehow, these three files are not referenced by any labels, whereas the earlier ones are pointed to by multiple File_Area_Observational_Supplemental. mro_221011/m221011.0013.xml + 310 others - These do not have didymos as the target. Suggestion: in <Target_Identification> <name>Sky</name> <type>Calibration Field</type> </Target_Identification> add lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:document_mro collection_document_mro.csv - The LID on the first line urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:mro_doc:mro_2p4m_dart_pds_sis should be urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:document_mro:mro_2p4m_dart_pds_sis