This document contains a high-level overview of the data_tnf data collection. Data Set Overview =============================================================================== This collection consists of tracking and navigation data associated with the Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube) mission, delivered by the Deep Space Network (DSN). Data =============================================================================== The raw trk-2-34 data has been reformatted using a software tool provided by the PDS Small Bodies Node (PDS-SBN) to sort the data by record type. The difficulty in labeling the natively formatted trk-2-34 files is that data records are not sorted by type, meaning that in a worst-case scenario, the PDS XML label would be required to have a Table_Binary specification for each data record in the trk-2-34 file, resulting in an XML label file that is hundreds of times larger in size than the data file. To remedy this the original trk-2-34 files, formatted according to the document with LID urn:nasa:pds:radiosci.documentation:dsn.trk-2-34:2021-06-03, have been sorted by data record type. The trk234 data products have the following naming convention: lcc_hga_tnf_yyyymmddthhmnss_v##. where: lcc_hga_tnf : Hardcoded string; "lcc" refers to the LICIACube spacecraft, "hga" notes the data is from the high-gain antenna, and "tnf" that this is a tracking and navigation file. yyyy : four digit year of first record in the data mm : two digit month of first record in the data dd : two digit day of first record in the data t : Hardcoded string: "t" separates date from time portion of the filename hhmmss : two digit hour, two digit minute, two digit second of first record in the data ## : two digit version number : "dat" for the binary file, "xml" for the PDS4 XML label