#---------------------------------------------------------------- # # This is the default configuration file for the Lucy LORRI # level 2 pipeline. Each of the options below may be specified. # If specified, the default value is overridden. # # Howard Taylor # JHU/APL # October 13, 2020 # # Revision History: # 2020-10-13 HWT Original # 2021-07-12 HWT added Lucy LORRI-specific reference files # 2023-08-23 HWT added new flat files from Hal Weaver in email # dated Aug 16, 2023. # 2023-10-09 HWT added photometry and constants sections per # the SSR LLORRI paper from 2020-JAN-10 # 2024-05-16 HWT added photometry keywords for Dinkinesh (rdinky) # added references to dinkinesh flatfield files # with time ranges of validity #******************************************************************** # PERFORM/OMIT section: # # These flags indicate which steps in the pipeline should be # performed or omitted. A non-zero value indicates that a # step should be performed # #******************************************************************** perform_flags: image_subtraction: false bias_subtraction: true signal_linearization: false cti_correction: false dark_subtraction: false missing_data_fill: false smear_removal: true flatfield: true geometric_correction: false mask_missing_data: false absolute_calibration: false compute_error_image: true compute_quality_image: true #******************************************************************** # # REFERENCE FILENAME section # # These filenames refer to the files that are to be used for # the superbias, flatfield, dead pixel image, hot pixel image # and the image to be used for image subtraction. # # The FOD identified around the time of the dinkinesh encounter # has caused a new flatfield to be used starting on 10/31/2023. # This corresponds to an MET value of 1/0751982339:24254. All # images after this MET will use the new Dinkinesh flatfields. # If a conflicting sclk partition is defined, consider using # datetime objects in UTC as the discriminator. Useful values: # 1/0190900800 2006-01-19 Launch # 1/0751982339 2023-10-31 just prior to Dinkinesh # #******************************************************************** reference_files: superbias: format_1x1: llorri_superbias_1x1.fits format_4x4: llorri_superbias_4x4.fits flatfield: format_1x1: - filename: llorri_flat_plasma_quartz_weighted_mottola.fits valid_from: 190900800 # 2006-01-19T00:00:00.000Z - filename: dinky_flat_1x1.fits valid_from: 751982339 # 2023-10-31T00:00:00.000Z format_4x4: - filename: llorri_flat_plasma_quartz_weighted_rebin_4x4_mottola.fits valid_from: 190900800 # 2006-01-19T00:00:00.000Z - filename: dinky_flat_4x4.fits valid_from: 751982339 # 2023-10-31T00:00:00.000Z texp_offset: format_1x1: llorri_toffsets_1x1.txt format_4x4: llorri_toffsets_4x4.txt image_subtraction: '' # undefined until needed # # The items listed below will be left out until they are # incorporated into the pipeline # # dead_pixel: # format_1x1: # format_4x4: # hot_pixel: # format_1x1: # format_4x4: # desmear_ematrix: # format_1x1: # format_4x4: #******************************************************************** # # CONSTANTS section: # # These keywords identify miscellaneous constants used # throughout the calibration code # constants: bias_nsigma: 3 # number of standard deviations from the mean # "bias_offset" is a constant that corrects for the difference in the # mean signal level between the bias and active regions of the CCD. bias_offset: format_1x1: 3.2 format_4x4: 5.1 gain: # units = electrons/DN format_1x1: 21.1 format_4x4: 20.0 tframe: 11.7762 # Jie Yan: 11.7762ms is the actual frame scrub/transfer time read_noise: 0.9 # units = DN ff_error: 0.005 # unitless ratio error #******************************************************************** # # ABSOLUTE CALIBRATION PARAMETER section: # # These keywords identify constants used to convert the output # calibrated image from corrected counts to radiance or irradiance # for a specified source. Keywords starting with R are for diffuse # target sensitivity keywords and measure radiance. Keywords # starting with P are point target sensitivity keywords and measure # irradiance. The letter after "trojan" in the keyword indicates the # type of trojan target to which it applies: The last letter of 'r' # refers to Red Trojan targets and the last letter of 'g' refers to # "less red" or "gray". # # Per Hal: from New Horizons: these values are only good to 1%, so # single precision is sufficient. # # Terms needed for computing the Standard V magnitude in the # Johnson Photometric System. See Eqn 11 in the SSR LLORRI paper. # PHOTZPT: photometric zero point # PHOTCC: color correction terms available in Table 7 of SSR paper. # #******************************************************************** photometry: pivot: 6030.0 # units = angstroms radiance: units: (DN/s/pixel)/(erg/cm^2/s/sr/angstrom) rsolar: format_1x1: 2.713e5 format_4x4: 4.455e6 rtrojanr: format_1x1: 2.784e5 format_4x4: 4.571e6 rtrojang: format_1x1: 2.712e5 format_4x4: 4.453e6 rdinky: format_1x1: 2.860e5 format_4x4: 4.696e5 irradiance: units: (DN/s)/(erg/cm^2/s/angstrom) psolar: format_1x1: 1.101e16 format_4x4: 1.130e16 ptrojanr: format_1x1: 1.130e16 format_4x4: 1.160e16 ptrojang: format_1x1: 1.101e16 format_4x4: 1.130e16 photzpt: units: visual magnitude format_1x1: 18.93 format_4x4: 18.96 #******************************************************************** # # NH LORRI holdover: # # The following configuration items were used in the New Horizons # LORRI calibration pipeline. Something close to these will be # used for the Lucy LORRI calibration pipeline, so they are retained # for convenience. They are commented out to prevent confusion # for now. # # sw_control: #******************************************************************** # # INTERMEDIATE STORAGE section: # # This keyword indicates if the intermediate variables should # be saved to the temporary directory # #******************************************************************** # store_intermediate_flag: true #******************************************************************** # # DEBIAS ALGORITHM SELECTOR section: # # This keyword identifies which of two algorithms are used # to compute the debiased image. The debias routine can use # a scalar to represent a bias value for the entire frame, or it # can use a bias that is specific to each row. In this row-by-row # method, a column vector is constructed and subtracted from all # of the columns in each row. This parameter is a boolean. If # set, vector subtraction is used, otherwise the scalar method is # used. # #******************************************************************** # debias_by_vector: false # default is scalar