ROSETTA ROLIS DATA CALIBRATION DESCRIPTION This data set contains the ROLIS descent images calibrated to the CODMAC3 level. ROLIS CODMAC3 level data are in arbitrary units that have been corrected so that values are proportional to radiance. No resampling is performed, so that edited data can be reconstructed. Three steps of processing are used to produce the ROLIS CODMAC3 products: 1) Bias and dark current subtraction 2) readout smearing removal (de-smearing) 3) flatfield division The ROLIS CCD and related readout electronics are extremely linear within the whole 14bit dynamic range. For this reason, no linearity correction is applied. 1)Bias and dark current subtraction The digital numbers (DN) stored in the image file are a linear function of the incoming intensity I(i,j): DN(i,j)= B(i,j) + exposure_time * (D(i,J) + K(i,j) * I(i,j)) where B(i,j) is the image bias, D(i,J) is the dark current generation rate and K(i,j) is the flat field image. In the case of the ROLIS the descent phase, due to the very low temperature and short exposure times, the D(i,J) term is virtually zero. Furthermore, the bias image is constant for all pixel. Therefore, for the ROLIS descent images, bias and dark subtraction is achieved by subtracting the constant value of 211 DN. 2) Desmearing. The ROLIS CCD is used in frame-transfer mode to produce an image. The CCD architecture is characterized by an imaging region and by a storage region. The image is exposed in the imaging region. At the end of an exposure, the content of the imaging section is swiftly transfered into the storage section. In the storage section, which is masked by an opaque layer, the content of the image is slowly read out, without being affected by the scene illumination. This scheme implements the functionality of an electronic shutter, without the need of any mechanical parts. However, during the fast shift phase, light continues to be integrated by the detector, producing an effect called readout smearing. As the smearing effect is proportional to the ratio of image transfer time to exposure time, the effect is stronger for shorter exposure times. On most frame-transfer CCDs, smearing occurs twice for an exposure: during the initial image clearing and during the image-to-storage region transfer at the end of an exposure. On the ROLIS CCD, however, only the latter needs to be corrected, as the image clearing is implemented by using the clearing capability of the anti-blooming gate, instead of the frame-tranfer feature. As a consequence, in the ROLIS images smearing appears as a ramp of increasing brightness, increasing from line 0 (where smearing is zero) to line 1023 (where smearing is maximum). Smearing is corrected for ROLIS images with the following algorithm: 1) compute smearing factor as smear_fac=shift_time/(n_rows_total * exposure_time) where shift_time=0.0032s and n_rows_total=1024. 2) compute and accumulate the amount of smearing for each line as smear[j] = smear_fac * clean_image[i,j] 3) subtract smear for line j from all subsequent image lines 4) iterate for all lines. 3) Flatfield division Flatfielding is used to correct for pixel-to-pixel inhomogeneities in pixel sensitivity, fall-off of optics transmission at the edge of the field, and particle contamination on the lens. Flatfielding for the ROLIS descent images is achieved by dividing the bias-subtracted, desmeared images by the calibration flatfield ROLIS_IFL_FLAT_CLEAR.FITS and multiplying by the normalization factor c=11112.3. The calculations are performed with double float precision and the results are rounded to short int for storage in the data file.