PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2009-05-15 NOTE = "DOCUMENT directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains several files intended to aid in understanding the data contained in this dataset: RO_MIR_IF_0001.PDF - MIRO Archive Interface Control Document (Version 1.8) RO_MIR_IF_0001.ASC - An ASCII text version of the above document MIRO_READ_DATA.ASC - a Fortran-77 program that lists selected portions of the MIRO data files. USER_MANUAL.PDF - MIRO Experiment User Manual, RO-MIR-PR-0030 This is the complete description of the MIRO instrument. USER_MANUAL.ASC - ASCII version of the above file. UTCCON.ASC - a Fortran-77 program that converts between the time system used in the data files and standard UTC notation. OIOR_PI6RSO_D_0011_MR_02____00025.ASC and MIRO_LOG_2008_PC8_MR02.ASC are listings of the commands used to generate the test data in the PC8 portion of this delivery (day 2008-188). (The OIOR is the observation request, with inline comments explaining the intentions of some of the commands; the LOG is the listing of the as-run commands, with times and parameters.) They are intended to provide users with context to these data. A fuller description will be forthcoming in the Final Report on this test, but this has not yet been released. (Note that the OIOR and LOG files for the Steins data are not included here, but are in the Level-3 archive for Steins, since they are more relevant to the calibrated data. The PC8 files are included here because there are no calibrated data for PC8.) There are also *.LBL files describing each of the above files.