PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-10-01 NOTE = "DOCUMENT directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains several files intended to aid in understanding the data contained in this dataset: RO_MIR_IF_0001.PDF - MIRO Archive Interface Control Document (Version 4). RO_MIR_IF_0001.ASC - an ASCII text version of the above document. MIRO_LOG_20140120_1118_ALL.ASC - an ASCII text listing of the instrument commands issued during the Rosetta COMET PRL. MIRO_READ_DATA.ASC - a Fortran-77 program that lists selected portions of some MIRO data files generated by MIRO Pipeline software Versions 1.0 and 1.1. It is provided as extra documentation of data formats and is not maintained to work on the latest files. USER_MANUAL.PDF - MIRO Experiment User Manual, RO-MIR-PR-0030 This is the complete Users Manual for the MIRO instrument, Version 6.0, dated 2017 August. USER_MANUAL.ASC - ascii version of the above file. UTCCON.ASC - a Fortran-77 program that converts between the time system used in the data files and standard UTC notation. There are also *.LBL files describing each of the above files.