OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TIME COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F16.5" UNIT = SECOND START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Time in seconds associated with TA_avg. Units are elapsed UTC seconds after 1-Jan-1970 (see EAICD Section 3.2.2). " END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = GMT COLUMN_NUMBER = 2 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER FORMAT = "A13" START_BYTE = 9 BYTES = 13 DESCRIPTION = "Absolute UTC time associated with TA_avg. Format is YYYYDDDHHMMSS where YYYY is the year DDD is the day of year HH is the hour MM is the minute and SS is the second. Refer to TIME or GMT_STD fields for fractional seconds." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = GMT_STD COLUMN_NUMBER = 3 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER FORMAT = "A26" START_BYTE = 22 BYTES = 26 DESCRIPTION = "UTC time associated with TA_avg. Format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssssZ where the upper-case T and Z and the colons are delimiters. yyyy is the year mm is the month dd is the day-of-month hh is the hour mm are the minutes and ss.sssss are the seconds." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TA_Avg COLUMN_NUMBER = 4 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = KELVIN MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 48 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Average antenna temperature (K) over +-0.5 seconds around TIME. Set to -999.0 when nd=0." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TA_std COLUMN_NUMBER = 5 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = KELVIN MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 56 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Standard deviation (K) of antenna temperatures in TA_avg. Set to -999.0 when nd=0." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = nd COLUMN_NUMBER = 6 DATA_TYPE = LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER FORMAT = "I3" START_BYTE = 64 BYTES = 2 DESCRIPTION = "Number of antenna temperatures averaged to form TA_avg" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BS_X_ANG COLUMN_NUMBER = 7 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 66 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "See the ERRATA file for additional information. Angle between MIRO boresight and comet center measured at the Rosetta spacecraft and projected on the MIRO x-z plane (-180 to +180 deg with positive angles measured from the z-axis towards the positive x-axis and negative angles measured from the z-axis toward the negative x-axis)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BS_Y_ANG COLUMN_NUMBER = 8 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 74 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "See the ERRATA file for additional information. Angle between MIRO boresight and comet center measured at the Rosetta spacecraft and projected on the MIRO y-z plane (-180 to +180 deg with positive angles measured from the z-axis towards the positive y-axis and negative angles measured from the z-axis toward the negative y-axis)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BS_Z_ANG COLUMN_NUMBER = 9 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 82 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "See the ERRATA file for additional information. Angle between MIRO boresight and the spacecraft to comet-center line (0 to 180 degrees)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = DIST COLUMN_NUMBER = 10 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = KM START_BYTE = 90 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Distance between the spacecraft and comet center." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = EMI_ANG COLUMN_NUMBER = 11 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 98 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Emission angle (0 to 90 deg): Angle between surface normal and MIRO boresight. Set to -999.0 when PLATE_ID = -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = LOCAL_SOLHA COLUMN_NUMBER = 12 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = HOURS MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 106 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Solar hour angle (0 to 24): Angle between the plane containing the comet rotation axis and the Sun and the plane containing the rotation axis and the boresight location on the surface. (Equivalent to solar hour angle on a spherical surface. Compare to scene_eff_solha.) 0 is midnight and 12 is Noon. Set to -999.0 if PLATE_ID = -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PHASE_ANG COLUMN_NUMBER = 13 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 114 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Angle between Sun and spacecraft as measured at the comet center (-180 to 180 degrees; negative values indicate the local solar time of the sub-spacecraft point is between Noon (12 hours) and midnight (24 hours))." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PLATE_ID COLUMN_NUMBER = 14 DATA_TYPE = LSB_INTEGER FORMAT = "I1" START_BYTE = 122 BYTES = 4 DESCRIPTION = "Identifier for the shape model plate at the MIRO boresight. Set to -1 when the boresight does not intersect the nucleus." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = POL_ANG COLUMN_NUMBER = 15 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 126 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Pole angle: Angle from the Rosetta y-axis to the projection of the comet spin axis on the Rosetta xy-plane (-180 to 180 degrees positive counterclockwise from the y-axis towards the negative x-axis)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RH COLUMN_NUMBER = 16 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = AU START_BYTE = 134 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Distance between the comet and the Sun in AU." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SC_ANG COLUMN_NUMBER = 17 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 142 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Angle between the Rosetta y-axis and the J2000 z-axis measured counterclockwise in the Rosetta xy-plane (-180 to 180 degrees). " END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCENE_EFF_LAT COLUMN_NUMBER = 18 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 150 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Effective latitude (-90 to 90 deg): The angle measured from the equatorial plane to the surface normal; positive angles indicate the surface normal projected on the rotation axis points towards the North Pole. Set to -999.00 when PLATE_ID = -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCENE_EFF_LON COLUMN_NUMBER = 19 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 158 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Effective east longitude (-180 to 180 deg): The angle between the prime meridian and the surface normal projected on the equatorial plane. Set to -999.0 when PLATE_ID = -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCENE_EFF_SOLHA COLUMN_NUMBER = 20 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = HOURS START_BYTE = 166 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Effective solar hour angle (0 to 24 hours): The angle between the plane containing the Sun and the comet rotation axis and the plane parallel to the surface normal that contains the rotation axis. 0 is Midnight" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCENE_LAT COLUMN_NUMBER = 21 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 174 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Comet-centric latitude (-90 to 90 deg) of the boresight location on the surface. Set to -999.0 when PLATE_ID = -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCENE_LON COLUMN_NUMBER = 22 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 182 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Comet-centric eastward longitude of the boresight on the surface (-180 to 180 deg). Set to -999.0 when PLATE_ID = -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCENE_R COLUMN_NUMBER = 23 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = KM MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 190 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Distance in km between the comet center and the boreisght intersection with the surface. Set to -999.0 when PLATE_ID = -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCENE_SOL_INC_ANGLE COLUMN_NUMBER = 24 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG MISSING_CONSTANT = -999.0 START_BYTE = 198 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Angle between the surface normal at the boresight location and the Sun (0 to 180 deg). Set to -999.0 when PLATE_ID = -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SHAPE_VERSION COLUMN_NUMBER = 25 DATA_TYPE = LSB_INTEGER FORMAT = "I11" START_BYTE = 206 BYTES = 4 DESCRIPTION = "Identifier for shape model used. 1=shap5-v0.3; 2=shap5-v1.2; 3=Osiris_shap7_1.6; 4=OSIRIS_v_1.1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPICE_KERNEL_VERSION COLUMN_NUMBER = 26 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" START_BYTE = 210 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Identifier for SPICE kernels used. See interface document for details. " END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SSC_LAT COLUMN_NUMBER = 27 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 218 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Comet-centric latitude of the sub-spacecraft point on the nucleus (-90 to 90 deg)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SSC_LON COLUMN_NUMBER = 28 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 226 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Comet-centric east longitude of the sub-spacecraft point on the nucleus (-180 to 180 deg)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SSOL_LAT COLUMN_NUMBER = 29 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 234 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Comet-centric latitude of the sub-solar point on the nucleus (-90 to 90 deg)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SSOL_LON COLUMN_NUMBER = 30 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.2" UNIT = DEG START_BYTE = 242 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Comet-centric east longitude of the sub-solar point on the nucleus (-180 to 180 deg)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SW_VERSION COLUMN_NUMBER = 31 DATA_TYPE = PC_REAL FORMAT = "F6.1" START_BYTE = 250 BYTES = 8 DESCRIPTION = "Identifier for MIRO software used to generate this record." END_OBJECT = COLUMN