PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2015-02-02 SBN:T.Barnes: Initial Creation. 2015-06-05 T.Barnes,T.Farnham,L.Jorda: Text updates. 2016-01-12 T.Barnes,T.Farnham: Text updates. 2016-04-06 T.Barnes,T.Farnham: Text updates due to lien resolution. 2017-07-11 T.Barnes,T.Farnham: Text updates due to V2.0. 2018-08-08 T.Barnes: Typos fixed. " OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-07-11 NOTE = "Volume information." END_OBJECT = TEXT END SHAPE MODELS OF 67P/CHURYUMOV-GERASIMENKO V2.0 Introduction ============ This dataset contains a variety of shape models for the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the target of the Rosetta mission. It also contains a definition of the body-centered coordinate system for the nucleus. Three different modeling groups have each provided a model of the nucleus, for use in different applications. Strongly suggest reading the DOCUMENT/USER_GUIDE.ASC document as a starting point. To see a complete list of the included models along with basic details about them, please look at the science index: INDEX/SCIENCE_INDEX.LBL. Volume Contents =============== Files on this volume are organized into a set of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the structure and content of these directories. In the table, directory names are appended by a forward slash (/). Values contained in square brackets ([]) represent level description and not actual names. [TOP-LEVEL-DIRECTORY] | |-- AAREADME.TXT The text version of the AAREADME file. |-- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of this volume. | |-- CATALOG/ Directory containing PDS catalog objects. | | | |-- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in the CATALOG directory. | |-- DATASET.CAT Description of data set. | |-- MISSION.CAT Description of the Rosetta mission. | |-- NAVCAM_INST.CAT Description of the NAVCAM instrument. | |-- OSINAC_INST.CAT Description of the OSIRIS NAC instrument. | |-- OSIWAC_INST.CAT Description of the OSIRIS WAC instrument. | |-- INSTHOST.CAT Description of the Rosetta spacecraft. | +-- REFERENCE.CAT References to works cited in catalog objects. | |-- DATA/ Directory containing the 67P/C-G shape model data. | | | |-- SPICE_DSK/ Subdirectory containing DSK versions of models. | | | | | +--[PRODUCER]/ Subdirectory for each model producer. | | | | | +--[MODEL_VERSION]/ Subdirectory for each model version each | | containing models. | | | +-- TRIPLATE/ Subdirectory containing PLATE models. | | | +--[PRODUCER]/ Subdirectory for each model producer. | | | +--[MODEL_VERSION]/ Subdirectory for each model version each | containing models. | |-- DOCUMENT/ Directory containing volume related documents. | | | |-- CHEOPS_REF_FRAME_V1.PDF Desc. of Cheops reference frame. | |-- DOCINFO.TXT Desc. of files in the DOCUMENT dir. | |-- EAICD.PDF ESA/PSA provided control document. | |-- ESA_MODEL_INFO.ASC General info about ESA/RMOC models. | |-- PDSSBN_PLATE_SHAPE_DEF.ASC Desc. of ESA/RMOC produced models. | |-- PREVIEW_IMAGES/ Dir. containing preview images. | |-- SHAP2_MODEL_INFO.ASC General info about SHAP2 shape models. | |-- SHAP4S_MODEL_INFO.ASC General info about SHAP4S shape models. | |-- SHAP5_MODEL_INFO.ASC General info about SHAP5 shape models. | |-- SHAPE_DATA_ORGANIZATION.ASC Desc. of organization of models in DS. | |-- USER_GUIDE.ASC User guide for shape models. | |-- VERSION_HISTORY.TAB Brief change log for each shape model. | +-- *.LBL PDS labels for documents. | |-- EXTRAS/ | | | |-- EXTRINFO.TXT Description of files in the EXTRAS directory. | |-- *.STL STL formatted version of ESA/RMOC model. | +-- *.LBL PDS labels for correspondingly named files. | +-- INDEX/ Directory containing index files. | |-- CHECKSUM.TAB MD5 checksum for every file on this volume. |-- CITATIONS.TAB Listing of citations for individual products. |-- INDEX.TAB Index of files on this volume. |-- INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in the INDEX directory. |-- SCIENCE_INDEX.TAB Index of science values for shape models. +-- *.LBL PDS labels for correspondingly named files.