PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "Dec 11 2015: L. Jorda; Created 2016-03-23 T.Barnes: Added missing PSA required keywords. 2017-03-01 T.Barnes: Updated to reflect DS V2.0 and fix VERTEX/PLATE_TABLE keywords and add ABSTRACT_DESC." NOTE = "This product has remained unchanged since V1.0. This product uses the reference frame described in CHEOPS_REF_FRAME_V1." RECORD_TYPE = "FIXED_LENGTH" RECORD_BYTES = 82 FILE_RECORDS = 71353 ^COUNTS_TABLE = ("CG_MSPCD_SHAP2_048K_CART.WRL",6) ^VERTEX_TABLE = ("CG_MSPCD_SHAP2_048K_CART.WRL",7) ^PLATE_TABLE = ("CG_MSPCD_SHAP2_048K_CART.WRL",23789) DATA_SET_ID = "RO-C-MULTI-5-67P-SHAPE-V2.0" DATA_SET_NAME = "SHAPE MODELS OF 67P/CHURYUMOV-GERASIMENKO V2.0" PRODUCT_NAME = " MSPCD SHAP2 CARTESIAN PLATE MODEL FOR COMET 67P/C-G 48K PLATES" PRODUCT_ID = "CG_MSPCD_SHAP2_048K_CART" CITATION_DESC = " C. Capanna, L. Jorda, P. Gutierrez and S. Hviid, MSPCD SHAP2 CARTESIAN PLATE MODEL FOR COMET 67P/C-G 48K PLATES, RO-C-MULTI-5-67P-SHAPE-V1.0:CG_MSPCD_SHAP2_048K_CART, NASA Planetary Data System and ESA Planetary Science Archive, 2015." ABSTRACT_DESC = " This data set contains the SHAP2 version of shape models for the Rosetta target 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 1 (1969 R1), produced at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille using the multi-resolution photoclinometry by deformation (MSPCD) technique. These models were created using OSIRIS data obtained at the comet between July 14 and Aug 6, 2014. " INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "RO" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "ROSETTA-ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_ID = {"OSINAC","OSIWAC"} INSTRUMENT_NAME = {"OSIRIS - NARROW ANGLE CAMERA", "OSIRIS - WIDE ANGLE CAMERA"} INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "N/A" TARGET_NAME = "67P/CHURYUMOV-GERASIMENKO 1 (1969 R1)" START_TIME = "N/A" STOP_TIME = "N/A" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2015-12-11 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "N/A" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "N/A" OBJECT = COUNTS_TABLE ROWS = 1 ROW_BYTES = 82 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII COLUMNS = 2 DESCRIPTION = "Table that gives the count of vertices and plates representing the surface of the numerical shape model. The shape model comprises triangular plates and vertices that are specified in a body-fixed cartesian coordinate system." OBJECT = COLUMN COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 NAME = "NUMVERTICES" DESCRIPTION = "NUMBER OF VERTICES IN SHAPE MODEL" DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 4 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "I9" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN COLUMN_NUMBER = 2 NAME = "NUMPLATES" DESCRIPTION = "NUMBER OF TRIANGULAR PLATES IN SHAPE MODEL" DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 14 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "I9" END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = COUNTS_TABLE OBJECT = VERTEX_TABLE ROWS = 23779 ROW_BYTES = 82 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" COLUMNS = 1 DESCRIPTION = "Table of vertices of the numerical shape model. These are the vertices of plates that approximate the surface of the body. Each row of this table contains the X, Y and Z coordinates of one vertex in a Cartesian coordinate system " OBJECT = COLUMN COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 NAME = "COORDINATES" DESCRIPTION = "The (x,y,z) coordinates of one vertex in the model" UNIT = "KILOMETER" DATA_TYPE = "ASCII_REAL" START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 48 ITEMS = 3 ITEM_BYTES = 16 FORMAT = "3(1X,E15.8)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = VERTEX_TABLE OBJECT = PLATE_TABLE ROWS = 47554 ROW_BYTES = 82 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" COLUMNS = 2 DESCRIPTION = "Table of triangular plates of the numerical shape model. These triangular plates approximate the surface of the body. Each row of this table contains three integer offsets that point to three vertices from the previous table. The three entries are the vertices of one triangular plate of the shape model, and denote the offset from the first row in the table of vertices. An offset of 0 points to the first row in the table of vertices, an offset of 1 to the second row, and so on. " OBJECT = COLUMN COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 NAME = "PLATE_VERTICES" DESCRIPTION = "Offsets of the three vertices defining this triangular plane. The offsets refer to the vertices listed in the preceding vertex table." DATA_TYPE = "ASCII_INTEGER" START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 33 ITEMS = 3 ITEM_BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "3(1X,I10)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN COLUMN_NUMBER = 2 NAME = "FLAG" DESCRIPTION = "VRML Flag denoting the end of the facet." DATA_TYPE = "ASCII_INTEGER" START_BYTE = 37 BYTES = 2 FORMAT = "I2" END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = PLATE_TABLE END