PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-01-01 NOTE = "This file contains the dataset labels list" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DFMS_L3_DATA.FMT DFMS MCP Science PDS label DFMS_L3_HK.FMT DFMS Housekeeping PDS label DFMS_L3_CALINFO.FMT DFMS_MODE_ID_TABLE.FMT DFMS Modes tables PDS labels DFMS_MASS_PEAK_SEARCH_TABLE.FMT DFMS MCP Mass Peak Search tables PDS label DFMS_PIXEL_GAIN_TABLE.FMT DFMS MCP Individual pixel Gain Table PDS label DFMS_GAIN_TABLE.FMT DFMS MCP Gain Table PDS label DFMS_PIX0FIT_COEFF_TABLE.FMT DFMS MCP Pixel 0 Fit coefficient table PDS label DFMS_PIX0FIT_CAL_TABLE.FMT DFMS MCP Pixel 0 Fit calibration table PDS label DFMS_FRAG_TABLE1.FMT DFMS Fragmentation and sensitity table (MCP and CEM) RTOF_DATA_L3.FMT RTOF Science PDS label RTOF_HK.FMT RTOF Housekeeping PDS label RTOF_MASS_PEAK_SEARCH.FMT RTOF_MODE_ID.FMT RTOF Modes definition PDS labels RTOF_RTOF_MASS_CAL.FMT RTOF_ADC_TDC_CORR_TABLE.FMT RTOF_FRAG_TABLE1.FMT RTOF Fragmentation and sensitity table (OS and SS) NOTE =" The values of the keywords SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR are related to the equatorial J2000 inertial frame. The values of SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE and SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE refer to the Cheops reference frame. The SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE gives the distance to the spacecraft from the target center of mass. All values are computed for the time t=START_TIME. Distances are given in , velocities in , and angles in ."