Listed below are the liens/RIDs that were found at the PDS/PSA February 2016 review of the Prelanding thru Escort 1 phases of the Rosetta mission. Even though this particular data set may have not participated in the review, it uses the same pipeline and so the liens likely apply here as well. Please take note that some issues may be resolved, while others are not. If any other issues are discovered please let the PDS-SBN know. It is expected that a fully lien resolved version will be produced during post mission ops and archived with an incremented data set version number. 1)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_101_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-CALIB-V1.0 Location: All datasets Title: Data format is very complex making simple plotting difficult Description: "I have over 10 years worth of experience using Cluster data, in particular data from both the PEACE and CIS instruments. As such, I would like to think that I am fairly competent and reading in and plotting 3D data from such instruments and reducing these into 2D spectrograms. The data format for this instrument makes reading in and plotting the data, in even a basic form, incredibly complicated, particularly as data is given at different time resolutions, azimuths do not have the same index within the arrays, elevations that are plotted combined to give a single 3D view are tagged at different times, and the necessary metadata is stored in separate files. While I appreciate that the team has to work within the limitations of the PDS/PSA, the current format of the data makes it veery difficult to work with and introduces a greater chance of data being mis-represented, especially after the instrument team is no longer able to provide support." Proposed solution by Reviewer: "Far simpler L3 datasets should be provided that present the data in a consistent coordinate system array (presumably spacecraft coordinates). Each azimuth and elevation angle should appear in a unique index in the array, with the raw data rebinned and processed into these bins. Where data is taken at a lower angular resolution, the intervening bins should either duplicate the observed counts or the data should be interpolated onto the angular grid. Data from different ion species should be presented separately. I would strongly encourage the team to consider the ways that they are currently presenting plots of the data and provide data in a format that these can easily be replicated. For example, if all elevations are being presented at the same time then do not time tag them with different times. This can be left in the RAW data for the interested scientist to investigate but if the assumption is that the plasma population is invariant over the elevation angle sweep, time-tag the data accordingly." Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: "We provided the test data set in order to get a discussion started on a suitable format. We have expanded binned data so that it is always 16 azimuth x 16 elevations. We do want to keep the time information for each elevation step, plotting energy spectrograms with the elevation ""scanning"" is very useful. We could still consider other ways to make the data more accessible, but our experience is that jsut expansion of binned data helps a lot. L3 data should not be irreversibly binned into ion species according to isntructions, that would be another higher level product." 2)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-102-CF Dataset: ALL Location: - Title: Not enough information to attempt creation of scientific data Description: "The lack of full calibration information means that the data cannot be presented in scientific units. As such, there is no way that this data can be compared with others. For example, the velocity of the solar wind beam should be calculable as a moment (if it is in an unobstructed field of view of the instrument). Comparing the velocity with those expect values (and similarly for density) would give a route through which confidence in the on-going calibration of the instrument can be validated. Furthermore, the data is presented in a spacecraft oriented coordinate system with the necessary further information to convert this into a more robust coordinate system. The L3 data should be presented in a common scientific coordinate system (e.g. SM) It is unclear how the instrument team expect members of the scientific community unfamiliar with these datasets to go about removing the background and creating a full scientific dataset. Any background removal techniques should be detailed in the documentation along with a full flow-chart of the necessary data processing steps (refering back to the files given) in order to create the scientific data." Proposed solution by Reviewer: "Provide all necessary information to create data in scientific units. Present L3 data in a non-spacecraft coordinate system Detail background removal and data-processing steps in flow chart in documentation" Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: "The information that comes with the sample L3 data set should be enough to convert data into physical units. It is not feasible to provide a non-spacecraft coordinate system in the data file, as the precise elevation angle varies with energy. Therefore it can only be azimuth - elevation. We can discuss how the geometry files cna be more useful, though. There is no background reduction in the raw data, apart from a background subtraction done onboard to save telemetry. As L3 data should be reversible, we will not implement background removal." 3)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_103_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0 Location: - Title: Unable to recreate Nilsson et al. Science paper plot of counts vs energy vs mass channel Description: I am unable to recreate the mass channel vs energy plot from the Nilsson et al. Science paper. The RAW data has missing data in two of the mass channels (not seen in the paper), there is a high flux of particles at 600-1000 eV across all channels with data and the lowest energy channel appears to have no data. See attached PPT file for comparison plots Proposed solution by Reviewer: Check energy channels match up with counts data. Check for missing data in certain mass channels. Check for additional fluxes across 600-1000 eV channel Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: "The energy table used in the Science paper differed from the later final one used in the archive. Precise determination of the lowest level energy is still a matter of invstigation (using also LAP spacecraft potential data). Note though that the given energy is center (will be clearly stated in the labels), and the plot in the science paper was made to take this into account. In the Science paper we did discuss this uncertainty (which also is related to the spacecraft potential). Dead mass channels were interpolated in the plot in the Science paper. They are not interpolated in the raw data. We are working on a scheme to compensate for specific channel-cross talk, which will go into an internal higher level product. For the archive, we currently count on providing a yet higher level of data without mass channels, only the ion species. There is some scatter of protons over all mass channels for intenste proton beams. This is regualrly removed. The format of Science was not suitable to go into detail about this. As the protons appear in a different azimuthal sector than the water ions, removal was straightforward on a case basis like this. Science paper to be added " 4)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-104-CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0 Location: - Title: Energy tables do no appear to align with data Description: "In trying to recreate the 21 Sep 2014 20:53 - 20:59 spectrogram from Nilsson et al, I find that there is no data in the lowest energy channel data. In fact, the data seems to be in one energy channel higher than presented in the Nilsson et al. paper From the information given, it is unclear which energy levels apply to which elements of the COUNTS array. The energy array is presented in descending order, with an indexing array. These should be presented in a consistent, logical format." Proposed solution by Reviewer: "Check energy channels match up with counts data. Include the energy data in the COUNTS data file rather than a separate file. Arrange the data with respect to energy, with lower energies presented in the lowest indexes of the array." Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: "We do not see how we can include the energy level in the counts data file without a tremendous waste of disk space. Note that the ascii format as it is now is very simple, one line per energy spectrogram, with just a number of qualifiers. Tis is very easy to read into any software. The proplem come slater, as the reviewer has noted. But I do not see how we can in a simple manner include the energy table in the spectorgram file, unless we can have one line at the top, if this is allowed by PDS standards. The order of the raw data is the order it is taken on board. Indeed it would be useful for the higher level products to inverse the energy table." 5)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-105-CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0 Location: - Title: Spurious counts in data gap Description: In attempting to recreate the 07 Aug 2014 spectrogram from Nilsson et al (Science), I noticed that the data file has non-zero counts in some of the regions that appear to be time gaps in the paper. In fact, these are not time gaps in the data file (there is a time stamp at the start of the gap) and the total number of counts in that gap, although small, is non-zero. Proposed solution by Reviewer: Remove any time gaps from the data files. A quality flag would indicate that this is not real data Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: We do remove corrupt data (failed lossless decompression). This should not be exported to the archive. Possibly we did export some such data, we will have to look into this. 6)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_106_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0 Location: RAW Title: High counts in first time interval Description: "In some of the BROWSE images, the first interval of data in the plot seems to have a much larger number of counts than the subsequent data. This does not appear to be true in all the plots. An example can be seen in MAR/D26/RPCICA140326T23.PNG These high counts are present in the data files as well." Proposed solution by Reviewer: Check whether this is bad data or a plotting issue. If bad data, remove from the plots Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: This is data with higher noise due to a cold instrument, and before count reduction is applied to save telemetry. We could in principle remove this data in the L3 data set. 7)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_107_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0 Location: e.g. BROWSE/2014/JUN/D07/RPCICA140607.PNG Title: The overall counts seem low compared to other days Description: The counts plotted on JUN/D07 and AUG/D05 seem low compared with other days (particurlarly the "background" away from the beam) Proposed solution by Reviewer: Check data quality and count levels Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Yes, we should implement a proper quality flag system. The defitiion is there in the label. We have not had time to manually inspect every file, even thogh I typically look at the plots as the data comes in. 8)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_108_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0 Location: e.g. BROWSE/2014/JUL/D25/RPCICA140725.PNG Title: The overall counts seem veery high compared to other days Description: "Examining some of the plots in JUL shows that the count rate is high across all energy channels. E.g. JUL/D25 This and the above RIDS indicate that the data quality may not be consistent. In the LBL files for the corresponding data the quality flag is 1 indicating ""nominal"". This raises serious questions about the quality assurance of the data and the flagging of questionable data." Proposed solution by Reviewer: Check data quality and count levels Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: as above 9)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_109_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0 Location: e.g. BROWSE/2014/SEP/D21/RPCICA140921.PNG Title: Spurious counts at 20 eV after SEP/D21? Description: The BROWSE data show that there is enhanced flux at ~20 eV for both heavy and light ions. This appears to be concentrated in a single energy channel which, from the ICD, suggests that this data may not be real. Please confirm Proposed solution by Reviewer: Check data quality and count levels Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As above 10)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_110_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0 Location: BROWSE folder Title: Count rate seems to have an artificial periodicity Description: The plot from NOV/D19 and NOV/D20 shows that the counts are high on every for every other data point. I assume this is an instrumental effect but is it a data effect or to do with the plotting scheme? Proposed solution by Reviewer: Check data on NOV/D19, NOV/D20 Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As above 11)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_111_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V1.0 Location: BROWSE folder Title: Missing files Description: The AAREADME.TXT file describes the structure of the volume as having a BROWSE.HTM and BROWSE.LBL file in the BROWSE folder. These are not present. Proposed solution by Reviewer: Either remove the listing from the AAREADME.TXT file or include the files Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: ok 12)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_112_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V1.0 Location: BROWSE folder Title: What data is plotted? Description: The *.LBL files describe the plots as "data plot image from the RPCICA instrument". Only in the ICD does it state that these are omni-directional. Proposed solution by Reviewer: More information should be given both on the plots and in the descriptions Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: ok 13)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_113_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V1.0 Location: BROWSE folder Title: Daily plots do not cover 24 h Description: The plots are described as 1 hour plots or 24 hr plots. The 24 hr plots do no all cover 24 hrs but instead show only the interval of data collected on that day (e.g. MAR/D26/RCPICA140326.PNG). Similarly, the 1 hr plots can be slightly longer than 1 hr, depending on the end time of the last data point Proposed solution by Reviewer: Change description to reflect that the plots are time limited to the data collected, or change all the plots to cover 24 hrs and only show the data collected in the correct place Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: ok 14)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_114_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V1.0 Location: BROWSE folder Title: Same colour scale Description: To aid in comparison of the browse data, it would be useful if the colour scale remained the same such that plots can be directly compared Proposed solution by Reviewer: Fix colour scale to have same limits for all plots Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: ok 15)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_115_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V1.0 Location: DATA folder Title: What mass table to use when no onboard table used? Description: In the BROWSE plots, the data are shown separated into H+, He++ and O+ and heavier ions. How is this done when the MASS_TABLE in the data file is set to 0 (e.g. DEC/D01)? Without this knowledge, I cannot recreate the BROWSE plots. Proposed solution by Reviewer: Include a reference table/series of reference tables for when no on-board table was used. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Ok, we will document properly how the browse plot is made and make sure the needed tables are available. 16)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_116_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V1.0, RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-CALIB-V1.0 Location: DATA folder, *.LBL, ICD Title: Wrong file names for mass and elevation tables Description: "The file names of the mass and elevation lookup tables given in the LBL files are wrong. They are given as ICA_MASS_TABLE1_VO*.LBL and ICA_ELEVATION_TABLE_V0*.LBL but the file names are actually ICA_MASS_LOOK_UP_TABLE1_V0*.LBL or ICA_EL_TABLE_V0*.LBL This mistake also appears in the ICD" Proposed solution by Reviewer: Correct file names in LBL files or in CALIB directory Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: ok 17)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA_117_CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-CALIB-V1.0 Location: *.LBL Title: Detail which mass tables have been used Description: It would be good to know which mass tables have been used to determine the solar wind and heavier ion groups in case any issues arise in future Proposed solution by Reviewer: Add mass table information to LBL files Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Need to check, isn't this done? 18)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-118-CF Dataset: RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-CALIB-V1.0 Location: L3 data Title: No data quality indicators Description: There are no quality flags in the dataset. Are we to assume that all the data provided have no issues? Proposed solution by Reviewer: Add "standard" data flags to the data (0=bad, 1=browse quality, 2=checked by team, 3=specially checked) Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: We prepared for this by having a flag in the label, but we do not have any automatic procedure to classify data. What we have found is that we get energy scale drift and more noise at very low instrument temperature. This we need to deal withm but is still work under progress. In general, all the data delivered is otherwise very good with quite even noise levels. 19)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-119-CF Dataset: Calibration report Location: DOCUMENTS Title: Calibration report incomplete Description: The provided calibration report is a powerpoint presentation rather than a proper document. While it provides an overview, a more complete version should be provided. The results of the calibration should be discussed in detail rather than just presented as plots. In particular, it should be made clear which parameters are provided from the dataset and which are from the calibration. Proposed solution by Reviewer: Provide complete calibration report Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: The calibration report provided with the raw data was an overview. It has all the time been the intent of the team to provide a more proper report once the mission is over, so that in situ calibration can be taken into account. The L3 test data set does provide the geometric factor in a table, so that the end user can from that produce the L3 data from the L2 data. 20)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-120-CF Dataset: SOFTWARE Location: SOFTWARE Title: Provide software for IDL/python as well as Matlab. Description: - Proposed solution by Reviewer: - Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: We do not use IDL ourselves, even though I can see the point in providing a wider range of software. We are using Python, and it should be possible to add a Python routine. 21)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-121-CF Dataset: SOFTWARE Location: SOFTWARE Title: Important calibration information in SOFTWARE folder? Description: The files ICAV.DAT and ICALOOKUP* seems to contain important information for the instrument, but it is not clear what it is and why it is in the SOFTWARE folder Proposed solution by Reviewer: - Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: This data is available in CALIB 22)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-122-CF Dataset: Documentation Location: */DOCUMENT/ICA_EAICD, */GEOMETRY Title: Replace hand drawn figure Description: While I appreciate the considerable effort must have been put into produce Figure 4 in the ICD (ICA field-of-view), is a CAD diagram or similar not available and more appropriate Proposed solution by Reviewer: Update figure 4 Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Once upon a time when the L2 archive was initiated, that was all the information availale to us. Today things have improved, and we can indeed update figure 4 of the EAICD. 23)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-123-CF Dataset: Documentation Location: ICA_EAICD Title: Section 2.4.5 is empty Decsription: There is nothing in section 2.4.5 Proposed solution by Reviewer: - Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: ok 24)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-124-CF Dataset: Documentation Location: ICA_EAICD, Calibration LBL files Title: Are the angles and energy ranges given the centre of the bin or some other value Decsription: You must clarify whether the energy levels given are the centre of the energy bin or the top or bottom of the bin. Similarly for the azimuths and elevations (central angle or something else). This is critical in understanding, plotting and processing the data further Proposed solution by Reviewer: Provide more information on energy and anglular ranges. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: It is the centre, EAICD will be updated. 25)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-101-SPJ Dataset: "ro-c-rpcica-2-esc1-raw-v1.0, ro-c-rpcica-2-prl-raw-v1.0, ro-c-rpcica-3-esc1-calib-v1.0" Location: catatlog/ Title: Add detail to files Decsription: descriptions should at a minimum identify the processing level (raw/calib) and units (DN, flux). In addition, they should describe why the data files appear to be so sparsely populated (mostly zeros). Remove discussion of binning in mass from the L2 catalog files. Proposed solution by Reviewer: Provide files with descriptions that at a minimum identify the data processing level (raw/calib) and units (DN, flux). In addition, they should describe why the data files appear to be so sparsely populated (mostly zeros). Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Sparesely populated - all mass channels are transmittted , many empty. Likewise many directions, elevations and energy channels have low counts. 26)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-102-SPJ Dataset: "ro-c-rpcica-2-esc1-raw-v1.0, ro-c-rpcica-2-prl-raw-v1.0, ro-c-rpcica-3-esc1-calib-v1.0" Location: document/software/softinfo.txt Title: Add detail to softinfo.txt Decsription: Add usage discription to softinfo.txt, along with MATLAB version used to develop routines Proposed solution by Reviewer: Please add a statement providing the version of MATLAB used to produce the code, another indicating that the software is unsupported, and lastly, add a brief statement of how to use the programs provided. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Will look into making a new routine which make full use of the archive and read energy tables etc from the proper archive files 27)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-103-SPJ Dataset: "ro-c-rpcica-2-esc1-raw-v1.0, ro-c-rpcica-2-prl-raw-v1.0" Location: browse/browinfo.txt Title: Add description of how plots were generated to browinfo.txt Decsription: Browse plots appear to have been either binned in azimuth and elevation angle or a single set of angles were selected. In addition, the units are physical so a calibration appears to have been applied. The browinfo.txt should be updated to describe how the data were processed to produce the plots provided Proposed solution by Reviewer: The browinfo.txt should be updated to describe how the data were processed to produce the plots provided. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: To be discussed, needed info will be added 28)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-104-SPJ Dataset: "ro-c-rpcica-2-esc1-raw-v1.0, ro-c-rpcica-2-prl-raw-v1.0, ro-c-rpcica-3-esc1-calib-v1.0" Location: data/* Title: Correct * files Decsription: All of the * files contain far more signficant digits than are valid Proposed solution by Reviewer: Provide the corect number of significant digits in the * files. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 29)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-105-SPJ Dataset: "ro-c-rpcica-2-esc1-raw-v1.0, ro-c-rpcica-2-prl-raw-v1.0" Location: data/*geom.lbl Title: Correct *geom.lbl files Decsription: Add list of SPICE files used to create geometry data in the file labels and correct the significant digits on the values provided Proposed solution by Reviewer: Update the *geom.lbl to specify the set of kernels used to produce the geometry data i.e.SPICE_FILE_NAME = {“file1”, “file2”, … “fileN”} and to specifiy only a valid number of significant digits in the geometry data they contain. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: To be implemented if feasible 30)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-106-SPJ Dataset: ro-c-rpcica-3-esc1-calib-v1.0 Location: document/ica_l2_to_l3_eacid.pdf Title: Update the L2_>L3 EACID document Decsription: Add description of the specific processing of an example L2 file to its L3 form following a single file as an example Proposed solution by Reviewer: Add description of the specific processing of an example L2 file to its L3 form following a single file as an example Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Ok, see how best to do it. Software example? 31)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-107-SPJ Dataset: ro-c-rpcica-3-esc1-calib-v1.0 Location: data files Title: Data are irreversibly transformed from L2 data in the mass grouping step Decsription: The L3 data have been effectively binned in mass into two mass groups (solar wind and water). L3 data should not be irreversibly transformed from L2 data. These are L4 (resampled) data - and quite useful to the community as such. Proposed solution by Reviewer: If an L3 product is required, then a new data structure that is not binned in mass will need to be created. The existing data set should be archived as an L4 data set which would require a new data_set_id in the data set catalog and data labels. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Ok, keep the mass channels, but apply calibration, to retain a reversible data set 32)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-101-MB Dataset: ALL Location: ALL Title: PSA open points Decsription: Just a reminder that all open points if any must be addressed. DVAL must be all green, open points resolved.(see doc files in attachment) Proposed solution by Reviewer: - Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 33)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-101-SBN Dataset: ALL Location: ALL Title: PDS opent points Decsription: PDS items must be resolved. Listed in rpcica_lvl2_sbn.txt and rpcica_lvl3_sbn.txt Proposed solution by Reviewer: - Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 34)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCICA-101-SBN Dataset: ALL Location: ALL Title: Editorial Decsription: Correct editorial items listed in ica_misspelled_words.docx Proposed solution by Reviewer: - Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 35)Reference ID (RID): ro-c-rpcica-101-RE Dataset: ro-c-rpcica-2-esc1-raw-v1.0 Location: calib/* Title: Older versions Decsription: "There seem to be three files, each with 6 versions, but it's hard to tell what the different versions mean. For example, % diff calib/ica_el_table_v02.lbl calib/ica_el_table_v06.lbl 6,7c6,7 < FILE_NAME = ""ICA_EL_TABLE_V02.LBL"" < ^TABLE = ""ICA_EL_TABLE_V02.TAB"" --- > FILE_NAME = ""ICA_EL_TABLE_V06.LBL"" > ^TABLE = ""ICA_EL_TABLE_V06.TAB"" 10c10 < PRODUCT_ID = ""ICA_EL_TABLE_V02.LBL"" --- > PRODUCT_ID = ""ICA_EL_TABLE_V06.LBL"" 25c25 < NAME = ""ICA ELEVATION ANGLE V02"" --- > NAME = ""ICA ELEVATION ANGLE V06"" If only the last version should be used, suggest not delivering the others. No date in them.. Are the old versions useful??" Proposed solution by Reviewer: If those are in fact older versions, and they are not useful, remove from volume Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 36)Reference ID (RID): ro-c-rpcica-102-RE Dataset: ro-c-rpcica-2-esc1-raw-v1.0 Location: document/ica_eaicd/ica_eaicd.pdf Title: ica_eaicd PDF Decsription: "p.19: The DATA_SET_ID is ""RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V1.0"", but the SIS says RO-E/M/A/C-RPCICA-x-description-Vn.m document template does not match actual … so the target code is wrong, and description includes the mission phase. - p.23: DATA_SET_ID again doesn't match, and DATA_SET_NAME similarly misses" Proposed solution by Reviewer: see description Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: -